Club 600


Well-Known Member
Me thinks the light may be too far away from the buds. I believe it to be true that the closer the light to the buds, the denser the buds. How far away was the light from the plants? and was it in an enclosure?
I used to hate walls, until I realized how much having a small enclosure helps in reflecting all the light to the plant.

None the less mr wiggles, the buds look fire man, you should def be happy with the harvest. It would be way more disappointing if the density was there but less smell and potency.


Well-Known Member
Quick Update-

Casey Jones - Bloom Day 27. It is growing a bit slower than last round, but last time it was on PK boosters from early on. This round I am really aiming to have healthy plants so I could give them Top booster and shooting powder. I am a bit scared if I give them too much PK now the leaves might start dropping early on.

Chem D & Grape Romulan - Bloom Day 20. Chem D is looking good, G rom stretched like a mofo, and it seems to be a slow starter. I confirmed with some other posts that grape rom indeed is a slow starter.

Grapefruit Haze & Jupiter OG - Bloom Day 20. Probably my fav plant right now. It had to be moved out of the Chem D/G Rom area due to limited space. So I put this one with a 2x2 hut with about 110 watts worth of CFLs with mixed spectrum. It sucks that I had to move it out of the HPS but I think it should still produce at least an 1.5 oz under the CFLs. In the same 2x2 I have a Jupiter OG cut flowering in a Styrofoam cup. This is just to test the JO and see if it is worthy of future growing.



Well-Known Member
Good lad 1BMM, gonna see your set up in full action now. Enjoy the doob, the day is just starting for me
Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Bru is just before 9am's Friday already (we like to get our weekends in early in Europe, gotta be ahead of the US in something....haha)


Well-Known Member
Well I have spammed everyone elses thread with my fat fan leave, so why not at the 600. This is under Gods 600.

EDIT: It's a cross with Headband and Cali Orange.


Well-Known Member
Hey peeps whats good. Finally made the intended in ground count for the season on the outdoors.

Now its time to bud these mothers out under double 600 watt HPS. Mother purp wont be joing the the indoor ladies. Shes much to tall.

Got a nice spot picked out for her in gods country. Shes been a real trooper. got a lot alot of clones from her.

Ok peeps just did a small reconfigure of the plants. Im Just going to bud them. If a scrog becomes necissary, ill put one up.

spaced em out. Im guessing these ladies are going to be bushes of bud. I dont really wanna veg to fill a screen. Just wanna get some bud already.

I gotta say I do like FF nutes. They Are a bit hot as others have said. I goe real easy on em. 1/4 strength. The main course for these ladies.

Both ballast HPS bulbs in and timers set to 12/12.

The remaining lid of clones.

Thats it folks. Cleaning house for the season. But hopefully these mothers throw some good bud porn. I think they will. I just really dont wanna veg em at all. They might look like a cactus of bud. that would kick ass. Aight peeps Gon smoke a doob and chill Later 1bmm:peace:

Bump this sick update, sorry for posting my update immediately after yours. Don't want to steal anyone's sunshine.


Well-Known Member
Well I have spammed everyone elses thread with my fat fan leave, so why not at the 600. This is under Gods 600.

EDIT: It's a cross with Headband and Cali Orange.
Now that's a leaf. Spam my thread with that shit too man.


Well-Known Member
Grand daddy purple. Lights were between 12" to 5" from the tops, moved it closer near the end. only two plants under 1 600 watt hps. taking up half of a 8x4.5 room with mylar on walls. dry bud weight turned out to be 78 grams from one, and 72 grams from the second. i guess it wasn't too bad. i just wish it had thickened in


Well-Known Member
1BMM that's probably the securest light timer money can buy lol
Haha Brinks. Yup Like the home security TV ads lol. They where the heavy dutiest if thats a word haha, that i could find.

Bender no worries bro. The grapefruit haze sounds yummy. Looking good.

Well peeps the HPS jus fired up about an hour ago and its officially day1 flower. hope the temps stay down now with both 600s running. peace 1bmm


Well-Known Member
Haha Brinks. Yup Like the home security TV ads lol. They where the heavy dutiest if thats a word haha, that i could find.

Bender no worries bro. The grapefruit haze sounds yummy. Looking good.

Well peeps the HPS jus fired up about an hour ago and its officially day1 flower. hope the temps stay down now with both 600s running. peace 1bmm
cant wait to see the porn mason. oh how i hate the temps!!! im still running in the high 90's. the bluehaze's comes down today, and i'll shut down 1 light, but i gotta reconfig everything. i'm going to get 2 new cooltubes next week and change up the exhaust to see if i can figure this out. the glories of indoor! always something.


Well-Known Member
SO, who can assist me in making a decision on how to cool a 3x3 tent?

Current set up: ->carbon filter->radiant 6" hood->6" 400cfm fan into exhaust duct which goes into a diff room.
temps stay same as outside, however, i cannot get the light lower than 15" from cannopy.(some pics of current set up are few pages back)

Goal is to have it around 5" away from the plants, assuming outside temps are around 75.

My tent has holes in the bottom which are used as fresh air intake (tent does create neagtive pressure)

Should I:

(* $$$=opportunity cost)

A) Add a 4" 175cfm INTAKE fan, have it blow completely from the ground and close the "holes" that the tent comes with? ($ fan)

B) Have the 6" fan pull thru the hood only. A 4" fan (with temp reg) sucking out thru the filter (i.E. once the temp gets to 80 or whatev). ALL connected to a Y split ($$ fan, temp reg, Y split thingy)

C) Get an 8" fan, connect to 6" duct (if possible) and leave as is?

i dont want to be stuck w/ bunch of fans if i ever decide to add co2

pics are available, for those who are serious about discussing/ helping.....

Thanks yall!!


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of my grow finishing up in the tent. took 9 hours to trim just updated my journal. no idea on the yeild yet.
Nice haul BG

cant wait to see the porn mason. oh how i hate the temps!!! im still running in the high 90's. the bluehaze's comes down today, and i'll shut down 1 light, but i gotta reconfig everything. i'm going to get 2 new cooltubes next week and change up the exhaust to see if i can figure this out. the glories of indoor! always something.
You aint shitting. My room will never be finished. I got ducting in the ceiling of the room that needs to be up sized. And probly soon, its gon be a bitch. 1BMM


Well-Known Member
Bru is just before 9am's Friday already (we like to get our weekends in early in Europe, gotta be ahead of the US in something....haha)
I hear you bru. In a real way yall are ahead of the us as far as a liberal and freedom of choice is concerned. I want to see the "dam" with my own peepers but i got a feeling you guys over the pond have the right idea. Rant over.

Well I have spammed everyone elses thread with my fat fan leave, so why not at the 600. This is under Gods 600.

EDIT: It's a cross with Headband and Cali Orange.
Gotta love those big ole fan leaves. Yours always look so green & happy to. Bump 1BMM