Club 600


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to argue as to if they are better made to pull or push here. Just pointing something out. Nobody can argue the point of pulling vs pushing as it's a well known fact they are designed to pull.
Amen! also try to have the least amount of bends in the ducting, and the runs as short as possible. bends, and long runs of ducting decrease air flow. but hey, gotta do what you gotta do.



Well-Known Member
One more random thing about fans. The air after the lights is much hotter than the air before. So it is less dense, meaning less 'grip' for the fan to get at. If drastic enough it might offset the pulling vs. pushing effect. Also, supposedly bulbs don't like the positive pressure from having a fan push air over tham. I guess they have shorter lives with positive pressure vs. negative. All that being said, I run my fan after my lights.

Beatiful plants guys. Many of you posting great pics.

HU - I grow from clones.

MT Marijuana

Active Member
Hola all I've been off RIU for a bit but made my way back.
First off Marloe and DV NICE WORK!! looking sexy!!
Secondly I was hoping you all would check my new journal out. I got a couple girls at 6 wk and more at 3 wks in my perpetual grow. The link is in my signature.

This first one is my Ducting setup cause I noticed yall were discussing it. my fan is in between my two lights, no filter, no need I am legal and own my house.
The second is my lil sensi star from clone. she is at 6 weeks and her hairs are just starting to turn. More pics in the journal. Thanks!!
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Well-Known Member
Not sure what to do but I took a bunch of cuttings this morning from the Jack Herer and then had to go take care of a few things. I came home just a few inutes ago to find almost all of them are drooping really bad. The tops of them are bent down towards the tray. It seems to be mostly the larger cuttings which were just almost touching the top of the humidity dome. I stuck some pieces of rod in the cubes and tied them up to it but that only worked with one other clone I've tried it on so far.

Most of the clones I recently put in the bubble cloner did the same thing and I did the same thing. It worked on one of them but the others just continued to droop and then started wilting so I tossed them.

Any ideas on what's causing the problem? I'd hate to lose all of these clones since I don't have that many more cuttings I could take from the mom. I have the WW mom that I was planning on taking a bunch from today too but will need the majority of the cuttings I'm taking in order to finish filling things up.


Well-Known Member
My process for cloning is that I first soak the RW cubes in water that has Supernatural RW soak in it at the rec rate and that's been PH adjusted to 5.5.

I take my cuttings in the same way as anybody else with sterilized scissors and use sterilized exacto blades to split the end and then gently scrape the last 1" or so of the stem. Then I dip them in Schultz rooting powder and stick them in the cubes. This is actually the first I've ever split the end on, usually just scrape the stem lightly and then score it a couple times.

I've had very good success with cloning with the exception of one batch from the SLH and now these.

Here's a few pics I just ran and took.


wally nutter

Well-Known Member
My process for cloning is that I first soak the RW cubes in water that has Supernatural RW soak in it at the rec rate and that's been PH adjusted to 5.5.

I take my cuttings in the same way as anybody else with sterilized scissors and use sterilized exacto blades to split the end and then gently scrape the last 1" or so of the stem. Then I dip them in Schultz rooting powder and stick them in the cubes. This is actually the first I've ever split the end on, usually just scrape the stem lightly and then score it a couple times.

I've had very good success with cloning with the exception of one batch from the SLH and now these.

Here's a few pics I just ran and took.
those cuttings are huge. i think theyre dropping because of their size. they should come back though


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wanted to try to get some big clones for a short veg before going under the 1K light. I got the idea of taking big cuttings from AL B Fuct and his thread about clones. Prior to this I've always doen cuttings that only stood about 3-5" out of the RW. He didn't use a dome over his because his cutings were too tall and just kept water in the tray. He seemed to have a very good success rate with it so, maybe I'll leave the dome off? IDK.
I'm just hesitant to take the cuttings from the White Widow now but I really need to, grrr...


Active Member

day 3 in the tent and the girls are still looking pretty sad, havent done anything to them, waiting for soil to dry out a little more before I water with plain water, any other suggestions?

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
my girls says just think of it as a break, i said "when i run out of smoke then what" she says, "guess you gonna have to plug it up, huh?"
im so ready to see how bright imma be. either a tent and a closet, or a tent with a 6 and 4 in it. or a 600 perpy with a 400 scrog?.. atleast i have time to plan.
If you're anything like me, not only will you have time to plan, you'll have time to run so many ideas through your head you should be thoroughly confused by the time it's time to start up again.

budolskie, nice looking girls you got going, how tall are they and what do you have them in?

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
why wouldnt i want the fan on the opposite side?
Most people say fans are much better at pulling air than pushing it. I put the fan at the exhaust end of things.
agreed id to the same.
actually you can mount them either way, but they more efficient when they pull and, they are made to pull.

ghb, I think your drawing is correct. The fans we use are sucking and blowing, I don't think it matters to them which they are doing since they are actually doing both in ghb's diagram. Filters are meant to be pulled through, it is best for your fan to use it the way ghb illustrated, this way the heat from your lights does not go through your fan. I just tried to turn mine around last week so it would suck from the attic now that the weather has cooled and blow the cool air through the lights into my other room and use it for heat as dst has mentioned doing. The problem, when I try to blow cool air through my lights, there is too much slack in my venting. When I suck through the vent it tightens up the duct from the suction.


Well-Known Member
Well Is this discussion limited to centrifugal can fans and air cooled lights?? Those work great

I say fans are made move air how ever the manufacture says it should.
Some fans have a heat sensor to prevent any damage by the hot air.
Some fans move boats so it just depends what exactly we are discussing.