dude this looks legit, i just started my grow but my youtube channel is ganjagrowers. i may chat ya up for some starter tips.
I bought something to help with any pests
Easy....like Sunday Morning. Whats this you got Bill?
Space bombI noticed it last a few days ago to , i thought i must of just missed it some time ago -it mustbe new..
Nice plants whodat , some big ass colas bro.. Whats the skinny bud plant?
Stank youpics look great guy's....frosty shit whodat!
Thanksdam that BnS is looking real good.
That sound deliciousHeres my Sour Pineapple Cream hash (Pineapple Express and Sour Cream)
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Very nice DreChop time again.. started now got through 2 already , plants looking better than i thought proper solid nugs. found my fake ak cut that i didnt label , i can smell the sweetie smells cant wait to taste that .
jig whats that you got there? Have you got rid other the vert scrog?
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I bought something to help with any pests
I was gonna ask what it was haha you cant leave us hanging like that! Very cool indeedits an octopus plant similar to a venus flytrap, its really small but kinda cool looking IMO
Im sorry jig,,, btw, not trying to offend you but, what happened to em?
jig whats that you got there? Have you got rid other the vert scrog?
to many bad rep messages/threats....i would think.
Thanks jdro..beautiful my man.
Not sure which youre referring too. This setup is the same as the last (Sour Kush), only the plants are about 1/6 the size. The grow before that (querkle) I only had one level of flooded tubes. Before that was the 2 bucket, 2 vert scrog, tunnel of green action with the casey jones and sour grape. Thanks for asking.
Nice Bill ive always wonder about Carniverous plants and Marijuana. I think i started a forum about it but didnt get much feedback but i figure they couldnt hurt. Go to your local walmart and get some Venus fly traps we seems to have a whole lot of them and the stupid fucks in garden center cant seem to keep them aliveI bought something to help with any pests
Ahhhhhh, I finally popped roots in my ez-cloner. I have been having a bitch of a time getting clones to pop since last fall. slow, slow slow or fail, fail fail. I was reading ooooolllld threads on here a couple days ago and came across a guy who had the same problem. My cuttings go in healthy and develop calluses pretty fast and look like they are just about to throw roots when they turn brown and mushy and rot. root rot without roots lol. This guy figured out it was because he was using RO water. He switched to tap and the magic happened. The chlorine in the tap water was preventing rot from setting in before roots formed. I've been using RO water in there SINCE LAST FALL!!! So I tried it. WooTs! lol. Roots popped three days after switching from RO to tap. Using Dyna-gro K-L-N Rooting Formula.
I'm soaking Critical x Sensi Star, White Russian and Bubblelicious. And some Dinafem freebies, Blue Widow, Shark Attack and Critical Jack. Fall is in the air, it's time to plant lol.
The moral is don't use RO water in your aerocloner. Or add a chlorine product.