Club 600

yo toolage... I was thinking the exact same thing as whodat. It's not about getting mold or anything, but light tells roots not to grow. I had a semi transparent dwc once and thought, ahhh, it's not a big deal to cover it all up. Well, eventually I did a half assed job, still letting in a little bit of light. The roots started growing... but when I totally sealed off the light... like 100%... the roots exploded. And roots are what give you fat buds. So I'd do something like setup a water lever gague on your dwc like I have, if you don't want to open the top to see the level.

Aluminum Tape works wonders to block light. Plus it looks cool and you can clean it off pretty well. Usually about $8 for 40 yards at Home Depot.

Otherwise, the plant looks real happy. Nice work.

I have no idea about the light thing. That's a question for an electrician I think.

WARNING: The following may be complete hogwash and based on no knowledge whatsoever. Just my simple understanding is all... so don't use this as a basis for decision making.

About the nutes... the ratio number I think are just that, ratios. so the two you are giving them together are 4-1-1.5... vs 20-20-20 (ie 1-1-1). Plants in veg want Nitrogen... so 4-1-1 is much better than 1-1-1. During flower you will want a ratio more like 1-1-4 as flowering plants like potasium. 20-20-20 is what miracle grow is right? Just a standard cover your ass, make a plant grow stuff... but not designed to grow bomb buds.
yo toolage... I was thinking the exact same thing as whodat. It's not about getting mold or anything, but light tells roots not to grow. I had a semi transparent dwc once and thought, ahhh, it's not a big deal to cover it all up. Well, eventually I did a half assed job, still letting in a little bit of light. The roots started growing... but when I totally sealed off the light... like 100%... the roots exploded. And roots are what give you fat buds. So I'd do something like setup a water lever gague on your dwc like I have, if you don't want to open the top to see the level.

Aluminum Tape works wonders to block light. Plus it looks cool and you can clean it off pretty well. Usually about $8 for 40 yards at Home Depot.

Otherwise, the plant looks real happy. Nice work.

I have no idea about the light thing. That's a question for an electrician I think.

WARNING: The following may be complete hogwash and based on no knowledge whatsoever. Just my simple understanding is all... so don't use this as a basis for decision making.

About the nutes... the ratio number I think are just that, ratios. so the two you are giving them together are 4-1-1.5... vs 20-20-20 (ie 1-1-1). Plants in veg want Nitrogen... so 4-1-1 is much better than 1-1-1. During flower you will want a ratio more like 1-1-4 as flowering plants like potasium. 20-20-20 is what miracle grow is right? Just a standard cover your ass, make a plant grow stuff... but not designed to grow bomb buds.
Well roots not growing isn't a problem the plant has alot of roots. All the plants that I have right now are going to stay in veg for their whole life only clones that I take will be put into flowering. If I can find a way to set it up so that the gage can be inside the system and have a little window for it then that would be perfect. The other reason why I didn't bother to cover it up is because when I had the plants that was in the same area as my DWC one they were tall enough that they blocked the light from getting to the water in the dwc system.

That can ex plane why they seem to respond more to the ration that I give them. I have a plant food called Kick Start it is a 1-2-1 ratio would that be good for trying to help freshly taken clones to root if I give them a very small amount? On the bottle it says Rooting and Feed Solution. or would just using a tiny bit of B-1 Thrive be better since it helps stimulate root growth?
Please accept the mistakes in playing for what they are: evidence of being able to grow some dank-ass herb!
Six attempts in a row, huge bong rip to start each recording.
A few mistakes, but not a total loss :-)

Thanks for checking it out!
(*entschuldige mich bei denen in Deutschland, wo sie für die Anzeige gesperrt ist :-( )

hell yeah doob. That shit rocked. kinda wished I coulda heard the bass more. I can't get enough doob rock. I swear I never thought I'd say it.. but I think you are turning me onto Rush. Don't tell my friends, lol. That vid was well worth the wait. I guess I can go to sleep now. See you all tomorrow, or rather later today.

Please accept the mistakes in playing for what they are: evidence of being able to grow some dank-ass herb!
Six attempts in a row, huge bong rip to start each recording.
A few mistakes, but not a total loss :-)

Thanks for checking it out!
(*entschuldige mich bei denen in Deutschland, wo sie für die Anzeige gesperrt ist :-( )


rock on brother Doob :-)
Toolage, can I just say you are great at providing reasons why you don't want to do something that the rest of us agree will help you, when two experienced people like Jig and whodat suggest that you do something, it's not because they are having a freakin giggle, they want the best for your buds. I understand that you are fairly new to growing and want to go through this and learn by experimenting, but do yourself a favour, and take on peoples advise, then you may actually end up with buds as big as Jigs and whodats. It's not a big job to check your water level by lifting the lid. IT's not that expensive to buy some duct tape and darken out the box, and who knows, the plant may actually be twice as big as it is....or make a gague as Jig suggested. But most of all, cover the basics, roots do not need any light whatsoever (unless you are growing in a smart pot and naturally light trimming root tips). Other than that, it looks fine.....looks light you might have some light damage to the roots, lmfao, j/k.

Well roots not growing isn't a problem the plant has alot of roots. All the plants that I have right now are going to stay in veg for their whole life only clones that I take will be put into flowering. If I can find a way to set it up so that the gage can be inside the system and have a little window for it then that would be perfect. The other reason why I didn't bother to cover it up is because when I had the plants that was in the same area as my DWC one they were tall enough that they blocked the light from getting to the water in the dwc system.

Well I hope all youi East Coasters are safe, looks like a bad one. It's absolutely torrential rain here as well.

Stay safe peeps,

I like the line, "we've been smoking lebanese". Cool stuff Brother Doob, shit rocks mon, as you say, slap the bass thingy.
Please accept the mistakes in playing for what they are: evidence of being able to grow some dank-ass herb!
Six attempts in a row, huge bong rip to start each recording.
A few mistakes, but not a total loss :-)

Thanks for checking it out!
(*entschuldige mich bei denen in Deutschland, wo sie für die Anzeige gesperrt ist :-( )

Well I'm only going for making clones off the plants that I have. The water doesn't look clear because the container isn't 100% clear and the black desk that its on makes it look dirty but I should change the water in it or give it some pure water into it.
Well I'm only going for making clones off the plants that I have. The water doesn't look clear because the container isn't 100% clear and the black desk that its on makes it look dirty but I should change the water in it or give it some pure water into it.

If there's light leaking into your res you going to end up with a res full of green gunk that will eventually suffocate the root, also the clones that you take will struggle to establish themselves general rule of thumb is the stronger the mother the stronger the clones will be
What up endls... good to see you around bro. Kush, chb, stumpjumper... welcome. (sorry if you've already been here chb... just don't remember you on this thread).
