jiggy, im just stating from my own belief, i dont believe cannabis is ruining yur sperm or damaging yur chromosomes. its probably making them smarter and more advanced. i wouldnt trust doctors with my life, theyre all about lies and control. there are so many more forces at play that could be causing yur bubba's miscarriages.
where are yu getting yur water from? is it treated city water? diet plays a ginormous role in everything. also mental states. stress doesnt grow babies well. maybe the setting is off. maybe yu should take her on a nice trip up to some misty mountain top and watch stars and make a baby under a hazey full moon?
I love it wally. We are doing about 1,000 things to make this try better. Diet a big one. And I only drink the same RO water my girls get. That and 7-up.
Anyways, I like sunshine more than clouds... so here's a cool story I forgot to share with you guys:
I live up in the mountains above the metropolis that is LA, Orange County, and San Bernardino. I'd say maybe 50-55% of the houses around here are vacation homes. which sit empty most of the year (if not all of the year, sad really). So I have neighbors that actually split time. They have a mountain house and a desert house. Desert when it's snowing, mountains when desert is hot. Good deal really. So they are up there in age. I think the guy is turning 70 in a couple weeks and wife is probably 68. They are here all summer and we miss them all winter. We've always got along beautifully. Like family, haha... ok, like families should get along. We just both loved eachother. Because of the health state the man is in, living up here really isn't an option anymore. 30 steps to the door, after getting out the truck on a steep incline all done at 5,000 feet isn't the easiest of things to do. So we spent much of this summer getting them ready to leave. Sold all their sheit, fixed the little things on the house that needed fixing.
I had been trying to spend a lot of time with them, because having my grandparents gone has really taught me to value time with people. Like really really value it. So, we'd been hanging out a little in the evenings, when I didn't have other stuff I 'thought' i should be doing. (aside, why the fuck do we do stupid shit like watch tv and not talk... when we could be with friends or neighbors sharing laughing and having great conversation... fuck people are stupid sometimes)
So it was Friday night, and they were leaving on Sunday. I went over there at 6 or so and we talked for probably about an hour and a half, maybe 2, when out of nowhere (let's call him Hunt) Hunt asks me "Do you ever like to burn one?" WHAT??!!??? Holy shit, right? I was all cool and said "Yeah, I've been known to burn one now and again." Hunt talks about how he likes it to keep things calm, even things out sometimes, and just have a good time with friends and family. I agreed and from the silence the next 15 seconds I thought that was the end of the conversation. Then Vicki (that's what we'll call her) turns to me on the couch (i was sitting next to her) and asks "Do you want to burn one now?" HAHAHAHA... I swear I don't think I showed anything on my face, but my insides were doing cartwheels or something. I don't get the connection, but it reminded me of the feeling I get when a team I support wins a really big match.
So, again cool like, I said "Sure." Now I was really wondering what was coming next. How do 70 year olds smoke? I was thinking she'd bust out a lid of maui wowee and I don't know, roll a joint. She disappears to go upstairs and what she said next just blew my fucking mind. She comes down and says "I have no idea which kind this is... there are just too many bags up there. Everyone has been bringing us baggies for our trip." (they go to colorado in their 5th wheel for a couple months each year) She had a nice glass pipe, probably 5 inches long or so. And the bowl was remarkably packed with a decent amount. I was thinking they would smoke a tiny bit, but not so much the case. Hunt was pretty tired already so he passed, but me and Vicki lit it up a few times each. I was trying not to take giant rips and finish the whole thing, so I wasn't smashed, but had a nice buzz on.
So we start talking about pot, and turns out their whole damn family smokes. They told me about the BBQ they had the past week, where their kids, the their grandkids were at... and everyone was smoking. 3 generations. That's just cool. Oh, and I guess most of it comes from the Grandkid, who as you would guess, grows. Hunt said he used to grow as well. Outdoor stuff. I was dying to tell them about me, but decided not too. Kind of a funny feeling to know what they don't. That there is a crazy stash of awesome herb not 50 feet from where we are sitting.
Then my wife got home and came over to join the party. I told them she didn't smoke as she was walking over and it was SOOO funny how Vicki sorta reached over and semi covered the pipe and lighter, like she was stealth or something. Wifey came in and visited with us for a while, not having any idea. Finally when there was a break in convo, I mimicked to her that we blazed. She says "You guys smoked pot?" Hahaha, Vicki about shit herself, like... uhhhhh. I told them it's all good, wifeys with the deal, she just don't like to smoke herself. So then we had a nice 4 way talk about smoking and all sorts of fun stuff.
One funny thing Vicki said was "I don't know if you ever notice me watering the flowers in the morning walking around in a haze. That's usually when I like to smoke." It's funny becuase I do notice, but I was so concerned with whether she was noticing how high I was that I never noticed her. I smoke on my deck a lot and if they are outside they can see, so I was always worried they would notice the smoke rising, or my caughing. But they were probably too high to ever notice, lol.
Next day she said "It's a shame we didn't know earlier, we could have 'hung out' a lot." I agree it is a bit of a shame, but I think it's all for the best. Otherwise it wouldn't have happened that way. It was a great experience to smoke with them and I was honored that they would share with me.
So there's my story and I'm sticking to it. Hope that gave someone a chuckle.
EDIT: I don't know if anyones noticed, but I've substituted my smoking habit, with RiU. I can't stop posting. I really hope I'm not getting on too many peeps' nerves.