Club 600

you could, but why don't you wait until they are in, it won't be for a few weeks until you need it?
quick question..............i'm using bio canna vega and flora but the store is out of the bio canna, instead of the bio canna bosst can i use the bio bizz top max and the bio bizz bloom????.................i also have some advanced nutrients big bud left from a previous grow.............
in the back: blue widow, sour ak, burmese kush, kushage......second row i got 3 NYPD, 3rd row i got 4 tangerine dreams and the 2 upfront are darkstar...........all female in 5 gallon pots in canna terra profesional and using bio-canna vega and flora ..........
Nice mix up you got there. Going to have a nice range of ups and downs and sideways, talking of which...........

Welcome Stuck on sticky, nice sideeeeeways shots!
nice range of ups and downs???.................please don scare me man..................please do tell me in advance what i can expect as my previous grows indoor didnt do so well.......
haha, not trying to scare, sativa up's, indica downs, but also sativa up, (taller grower), indica not so tall. But as long as you work the canopy you'll be fine. The sourAK looks mighty fine. If you worry, your plants worry;)
nice range of ups and downs???.................please don scare me man..................please do tell me in advance what i can expect as my previous grows indoor didnt do so well.......
I still have another whole page to read but since this is the last post on page 661 I'll respond to ya' jig. I haven't read much over the weekend I was worried about my lady being in jersey with irene heading her the way, glad to see you survived wally. My lady is on her way home and I'm heading to orlando to get her in an hour or so. Somebody is gettin' laid tonight! Yeah jig, I noticed you seem to have diarrhea of the fingers lately, I can't remember you ever posting so frequently. I just figured you were really stoned and babbling lately. If I wanted a kid as badly as you sound like you do, I would cinch my nuts up if the doc said it would help and I would do anything to keep my wife happy and show her I'm willing to do anything to try to make this happen...and good luck to you and yours, good karma thoughts out to you guys. Anyway you're not nuts, you are one of the few people who realize it's people who are important in life and the relationships you form with them. Sure it's nice to have nice stuff but I would rather have a good friend than a nice car. Once again you sound very in tune with yourself and the world around you. I salute your thinking and attitude.
Well, hello, fellow 600-ers!
Have re-started physical therapy today (this morning) and am beat and migraine-ey, so I have to admit defeat on meeting the deadline for the Frontalot fan art project.
I'll still work on it tonight, but I want this to be as well done as my best, so I'm not going to rush it.
So was sitting here thinking about my new seedlings and all the different strains and thought how neat it was going to be able to take the Dog out for a test drive and this came to my THC-enhanced brain:
(*will be lots of recursive cannabis leaves everywhere I can put them on the happy little bitch (she will have long girly lashes to signify female-osity).
This will be a full on painting, like my others, just a different, fun theme. Whomsoever can guess correctly who will be getting the one and only digital copy, will get a wink and a nod. Maybe even a couple of nudges. ;-) )
(**also, the dog is only in it's first stage of drawing, lots will change to make it look more dog-like when I get to painting it)
(**also, since it will be living it's life overseas from here, I need to remember to put her in the "passenger" seat instead of the "driver's" seat: I drew here in the American passenger seat without thinking. :-) )

Thanks fearless leader, if I make it back here alive, I am going to have a good time tonight. I love this thread. Even though I haven't been posting lately I still try to read every post from everyone else and of course the bud porn is, as usual, spectacular.

The scrog is coming along nicely. The colombian gold clone is far outpacing everything else. The two chocolopes finally poked their heads above the screen and soon they will be officially scrogging. I want clones so I'm not cutting much of the lower growth to force the growth up and it seems like it's taking them forever to grow...and yes, DST, my scrog dream of sativa is finally coming true and so far no spider mites that I can detect.
For the record..i have kids..two boys..the absolute best thing that ever happened to me..Im that typical storey of a crazy ass life stopped short by kids...they're the reason Im alive now..Im sure of it....i never knew i could love so much..Im a better man because of em...their mother on the other hand......i guess i know who my main girls are..
Sry to thread jack..Im so stoned..i hope you were talking about actual kids....
Hey, stuckon, I believe what you did is called "adding to a thread" ;-)
This thread roams more than a clepto's phalanges in a bargain bin full of jewels :-)

I was going to comment on jig's story about his neighbors!
And kind of sad that we live in a world where great people are pressured to feel like criminals for our love of cannabis.
So cool you were able to share an evening like that with them
have anyone ever used the LUMA600watt hps and mh with dimmable ballast i bought one and was wondering if it was a good deal off e-bay paid $200 bucks is it good quality compared to other grow lights?
These stinkers are Cheeseberry Haze at day 51 with 10% amber trics. I think they started from Duchie and eventually found their way to the cave. Do this look like your pheno Dutch?
Yup, they look the same to me. They're not from me though, I got mine from some old guy. Yours are better finished than I've let mine get, so far. They are really nice. I'll make sure the ones coming up get to finish like that fo sure.
Here's my little Cheeseberry Haze
They have almost doubled in size since the transplant, too :-)

*all seedlings are 12 days from pushing up through the soil's surface

Cheeseberry Haze

Deep Blue


Very happy!