Well-Known Member
I try not to steifle (sp?) my son too much but his mind, like mine, runs 100mph all the time. I do tell him to be quiet and occasionally even have to tell him to shut his mouth or shut up but I feel bad doing it. He just doesn't listen when I'm being nice though sometimes. He's a really good kid and I want him to be a KID as long as possible so I will try to avoid confrontation when the kids are around and make sure he doesn't get involved when we see other kids misbehaving oand stuff. He's on this kick about millitary and guns and explosives right now and whenever he's playing, it's always machine gun sounds and sword sounds with everything. His buddies are all the same so maybe I shouldn't worry but I do.
I've grown tired of having the school or YMCA call saying he hurt someone or was playing too rough with his friends. So far I've been called because he has punched a kid in the nose and bloodied him up, choked a kid after taking him to the ground and immobilizing him, got pushed to the ground by a few kids and then took one out by sweeping his leg and jumped up in a fight stance and I'm not sure but that may be it. This was all over last school year, summer and the short time that this school year has been going on.
Oh yeah, the time he swept the kid's leg was the day after he got in trouble for hitting an older kid which I found out was because the kid was tormenting him and it was that kid's friends that pushed him down. It's alway older and bigger kids, WTF?
He's only like 4'2" and about 40-45lbs FFS! Leave the little guy alone already!
Crazy Dez, i can only imagine what my kid is gonna be like in a few years, he is only 3, weighs 40 lbs and is about 42"