Club 600

Well im gonna be up alot of the night i think im gonna smoke a nice fat joint play some Battlefield 3 Beta then around 2-3 Start chopping some and finish her up in the morning ill have pics coming in the morning Thanks for the input jig

I want to know how Battlefield 3 is??? It's good that it's coming out in winter... there won't be a ton of house work I'm supposed to be doing as I play that all day and night.

Peace and come on Scotland, you can do it!!! lol.

Sure they can D! That other team ain't nothin special. ;)
I want to know how Battlefield 3 is??? It's good that it's coming out in winter... there won't be a ton of house work I'm supposed to be doing as I play that all day and night.

Sure they can D! That other team ain't nothin special. ;)
get a 360 dammit! I havent played the beta yet, but i have my preorder for it already regardless. Im not a big COD fan, to say the least, BF3 comes out in like 2 weeks, and I am stoked!!!
Its pretty depressing. But im trying to make lemonade out of those lemons. Seed stock for days, and a reason to buy a new washing machine. Its not a complete loss, but compared to last year its pretty embarassing. Thanks for the help Jig. Dez maybe you can help me do the laundry ;)

Anytime ;)
I'm heading out for a ride now. Have no idea where I'm going but I'm pretty sure I'll know when I get there, hehe. :mrgreen:
one quick questio here, now that i have all my canna nutes should i still give the plants some molasses or not??..........

That's really a personal preference thing. Some say molasses is the bomb and some say they don't notice much difference when they use it. I would say that if you plan to use any of the sweeteners or ripening products, there's no sense in using molasses too. Might cause more harm than good at that point.
That's really a personal preference thing. Some say molasses is the bomb and some say they don't notice much difference when they use it. I would say that if you plan to use any of the sweeteners or ripening products, there's no sense in using molasses too. Might cause more harm than good at that point.

So many people have this misconception of the benefit of molasses. It does not sweeten your buds or make them ripen. The sugars in molasses feeds the mycorhizae in your soil that breaks down nutrients resulting in more available nutrients for the plant to uptake.(in a nutshell) Molasses is beneficial throughout a grow, not just during flowering. But like Dezracer said, if you are using something else with sugars in it then probably not.
My 600w hps light comes on for about a minute then off again and the light it gives out is really White. Anyone any ideas on the problem there?
My 600w hps light comes on for about a minute then off again and the light it gives out is really White. Anyone any ideas on the problem there?

I had that happen with a digital ballast before. It did that a few times and then just stopped working all together. It turned out the ballast went bad in my case but I cant say for sure with yours. You definitely should try a different bulb before anything else IMO.
It was a quick ride :(
I took the turbo bike just because and got pulled over on it in Laguna Beach while just cruising along with everybody else. The cop was saying he could impound the bike for having so many non street legal parts on it and stuff. I wasn't speeding or anyhting but he heard the blowoff valve when I shifted out of first and knew immediately that it wasn't street legal is what he said.
Fortunately he did not cite me after seeing that where I lived was close by. I told him I would just take it home and get the other one to ride and he says, "Thats a good idea, I'll just follow you to make sure go straight home then." I'm sure he thought I was BSing him and that was why he said that but I just agreed to let him follow me because the last thing I want is to lose a bike, you know?
When I turned into my neighborhood, he stopped following me and kept going straight thankfully. I really didn't want my neoghbors to see me getting followed home by a cop.

So now I need to see about getting a quieter blowoff valve or something so I can ride it on the streeet without worry, hehe.

Just thought I'd share that with the class and now I'm off to go sight seeing on the Honda. Maybe I'll see the same cop, LOL.
I want to know how Battlefield 3 is??? It's good that it's coming out in winter... there won't be a ton of house work I'm supposed to be doing as I play that all day and night.
BF3 is the shit. I play it on PC but its a pretty good game. The first map they released was kind of boring but it shows off how solid of a shooter it is. They released a map for the last weekend of the Beta with Jets, tanks vehicles and all. Its fun as hell
get a 360 dammit! I havent played the beta yet, but i have my preorder for it already regardless. Im not a big COD fan, to say the least, BF3 comes out in like 2 weeks, and I am stoked!!!
Im not much of a COD fan ether i just got the GOW3 360 because the system looks sick as fuck same with the controls. I cant wait for BF3 but ill most likely have a harvest right around game release time... Maby ill just co pilot a jet why choppin lol

I didnt chop my Grape Soda last night or this morning im gonna let her go a few more days and fatten up im also picking up some mollases would it be good to give her some molasses the last few days or no?
BF3 is the shit. I play it on PC but its a pretty good game.

im also picking up some mollases would it be good to give her some molasses the last few days or no?

I play on the PC as well.

As for molasses, see the previous page of this thread.
Doobie, those girls are really filling up that cabinet. Have you dropped them down yet? The one's that I dropped just after you dropped those seeds, went through some shock and got stunted but since I've switched up my nutes they've taken right off again, some as though nothing happened. I'll be transplanting them today as well as harvesting my larger Cheeseberry Haze. Then I'll be planting a few more. I was going to plant some the other day but this fairy showed up and threw a curve ball at me. I've been given a second crack at some Dog! I know they'll start off life better than their siblings. Speaking of...

billcollector. I planted the last Sourberry I had and she's coming up nice. Hopefully she too will have a better start/life than her sisters.I'll keep you up to date.

Good weekend all!

I got them all in 1.7-gal pots: I thought that they were 2-gal pots, but I misread the bottoms of the pot (I worngfully "ASS"umed a "#2 Pot" would be a 2-gallon pot, but.... HEEEE-HAWWW, HEE-HAW, HEEEEEHAAAAAWWWW!!!! *hmm,,, does an ass sound like a donkey? And why is he named "Donkey Kong"? Kong. Koooooooong. Weird word.... *picture Mario, face twisted in impotent rage glaring upwards at an unseen enemy who taunts him with his son's death and about leaving him "buried alive", and screaming out "KOOOOOOOOOONG!" *end scene* )..... ummm my mind drifted.
A few were shocky, but the C4/Casey's never skipped a beat, for some reason.
The Deep Blue and the DB/JTR/? also had only minimal shock and are doing nicely.
And the Herijuana is a beast like the C4/Casey in regard to vigor.
I had to LST them to get them closer in height to the rest of the plants. But they responded beautifully to it and are both two bushes of nothing but kolas, so I am stoked.
I'm feeling bad for my Dog's due to planting them too deeply in the cups and then waiting so long to trim down the excess wall height so the plants could open up more.
Of the two DOG's I planted, one was female. It put her behind, though only about a week or so behind when compared to the rest of the plants.
Over all the grow is moving along great!
Fixing my airflow problem with my system has made it to where I can bring the plants right up to the the glass (or an inch or two. to allow for air flow), so I'm going to have to reduce my usable light footprint down to about 36"x36", since I can have the canopy so much closer to the light now.
Should make for some bigger & denser buds, too.
I need to get some more mycho's and re-inoculate the soil, too. I've got some left over, and will be using it up on the smaller plants to maybe help give them a boost, but won't have enough for all the plants.
Well, wife is at the gym, and the lights are off in the box for another 5h12m, so will spend a few hours going through youtube tutorials on Ableton Live.
But, I'll be lurking.... oh, yes: I will be lurking....
In the smoky, unlit corners of your mental grow spaces.... in the dark dankness of your psychological curing jars..... burried deep in the pack of leaves you use to roll up fatties... I will be lurking.... a mangled, rotten, shambling corpse of a ganja zombie of coughitudinosity, I will lurk on the edges of your subconscious, chipping slowly away at your sanity until...



No, man, but I'll be around, and junk...