Club 600


She's beautiful. The two that I have are both boys, so you have the first girl and we will be looking for a smoke report.

You bet. I just cut down my larger CBH a few days ago and is more than enough to let this girl, as well as my White Widow, finish really nice. This girl was actually nute deprived at the beginning of flowering so I had to nurse her to the end. I have one that I just put into 12/12 the other day. Here's my WW next to her.

Well guys I must confess I'm a bit of a tv holic. Doobie, I'm like you, I want to be informed, learn something, so I watch a lot of documentary stuff and the history channel, the military channel, I tend to frown upon needless/useless conflicts but ya' gotta' love some of the hardware the military owns plus I like world war two and vietnam stuff. Beside that I still watch my philly teams and let's not talk about them at the moment, and I'm also a bit of a political nut so I watch morning joe in the morning and keith olberman at night so I generally can find something to interest me.

Whodat, LSU looked spectacular against my beloved Gators, as did Alabama the week before, sob. Might be the game of the year when LSU and the crimson tide get together later this year.
Well guys I must confess I'm a bit of a tv holic. Doobie, I'm like you, I want to be informed, learn something, so I watch a lot of documentary stuff and the history channel, the military channel, I tend to frown upon needless/useless conflicts but ya' gotta' love some of the hardware the military owns plus I like world war two and vietnam stuff. Beside that I still watch my philly teams and let's not talk about them at the moment, and I'm also a bit of a political nut so I watch morning joe in the morning and keith olberman at night so I generally can find something to interest me.

Whodat, LSU looked spectacular against my beloved Gators, as did Alabama the week before, sob. Might be the game of the year when LSU and the crimson tide get together later this year.

I'm like you Heads Up. Love my documentaries and news, particularly political stuff and I can get most of that on line. I've given up on pro sports, particularly the NHL so any other sports I desire, like Olympics and Junior Hockey I can get off line as well. The only thing I'm missing from TV right now is Bill Maher and Sons of Anarchy. Sons I can get on DVD when it comes out and Bill, well nothing I can really do about that without a bunch of hassle with torrent files and crap. While I'm at it I'd like to throw in my congrats on your first scrog. I will try that some day.

Matatan. No need for macro, just good light and a steady hand. They look frosty enough. You can definitely see that.

Here's what I'm smoking. Cheeseberry Haze the sativa pheno. Bigger plant, longer flower with lighter buds and a more uppity high. Real strong diesel fuel smell to her bud on the surface and I have no idea where that came from being a clone. I'm actually starting to wonder if she came from seed and I'm just losing it. I've never had any weed that smelled like this before, that I can recall, and I'm not sure that I'm fond of it. Kind of turns me off. We'll see what a cure does to it.

Lovely pr0n up in this piece peeps!!!

HU~ LSU and the Alabama should be one for the books for sure... Just because I havent seen a game yet doesn't mean Im not up to date lol.

This looks perty dern dank matatan :-)

hell yeah for like two ish weeks then i spent two ish weeks in the loooney bin again, got dishcarged today!!!! all is welll though mmuch love !!! im going to bed now, i eaeve yu wit this master piece though

LOL. Wally, you're one funny Cat!

Peace to you too Wally and thanks for going and being there. Wall Street I mean, of course. But then you know that . Right? :shock:
Holy shit, there is a lot of pr0n up in dis beech right now. COF and Duchie, nice friggin jobs! I'd rep you all, but it won't let me. Some stupid riu algirhythm (sp?), I'm sure. Pukka, it let me rep you, and well deserved. That plant is aggressive!

Thing's have been busy around Chez Bobo. Getting ready to move to a new pad-- a pad that won't be MJ grower friendly (even tho it has the bestestest place in the world). So when I chopped my last two Cheese (mini flying spaghetti monsters) tonight, I unplugged my 600, and I'm not sure when it will be plugged back in. I'm really, really sad about that :(

THIS IS NOT THE END, tho. I must stress that to myself, and everyone else here. The 600 will ride on. :peace:
It's not my girl. She wants me to be able to keep growing... it's my new landlord. He knows about me, and he said no weed growing if I'm going to live in his pad (and the deal is too good to pass up-- trust me). So I'm gonna find a new place to grow. It might take me a little bit to figure it out, but I was going to take a small break after this round anyway, as I've got enough now to last me through the new year. I might have to build some sort of Whodat brand particle box, and stick my tent (or will it be tents?!) inside of there... We'll see. I'm not going anywhere, brova!

edit: I'm exhausted, and off to bed. G'nite Duchie, and the 600. Finish strong.

edit edit: I'm not sure why I "liked" your sadness. It's not what I was intending. :peace: my friend! ;) ;)
Damn bobo, sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do. but when ya do something you gotta do it right... bongsmilie bongsmilie

Wally you nutter! Good to have ya back. I saw it was kinda wild out there :shock: