1X Royal Haze Fem, 1X 9L DWC Res, Mainly CANNA Nuits, SCROG Screen, Topped in excess of 40 times, VEGGED for 2.5 MONTHS, In FLOWER for 40 DAYS (5.6 Weeks) "94 TOPS" !!!
Lighting = 1x 400W HPS (Digi-Lux - Dual Spectrum), 2X 125W CFL (Blue Spec), 2X 45W CFL (Blue Spec), 1X 20W UV-B Tube Combined total Wattage = 760W
I still have a 600W Lumatek Ballast and a 600W OSRAM bulb to add later to my setup if temps allow it and that'll bring me up to a Max. Total Wattage of 960W
Hope you like the pic

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