Club 600


Well-Known Member
Keep yer chin up Doobie, we all love ya! Sounds like yer Moms has had a good innings, but it's nver easy whatever the circumstance. Peace and love to you and your family.


Well-Known Member
it's Livers, DOG, then Casey Jones the bottom pic.
HAn't popped in in a fair while and bam, lots of lovelies as per normal. Great work chaps and chapesses if there are any, i can never keep track, i know i'm male, that i know for sure. Just harvested my cheese and romulan last night, romulan was a very very very very very very very very very very very very very leafy affair, took 45 minutes to trim just a small plant, but has given me a whole saucepan of sugar leaves for the bucket :)

Cheese followed by Dog DST? Top one looks cheesey but i'm not 100% on the other 2 :P
Xmas compo update

So i can confirm that they'll be 3 caterogies for the competion so you can get prepaired from now.
1: Xmas related madness
2: December bud /porn shot
3:The club 600 pic of the year

The prizes are still being finalized at the moment but believe me when i say its going to worth entering , lots of seeds and goodies up for grabs,t-shirts and a few other bits in the goodie bags..

Stay tuned for the details on when to post and where..
Sounds like it'll be a blast. Get yer thinking caps on people and entries prepared, otherwise santa will not be visiting you this Xmas!!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Livers you say? Looks very much like cheese but with really really frosty leaves. Not grown it myself, got a cherry cheese x livers or two from Don but yet to give em a run.


Well-Known Member
livers is not so much up but more body, and i think fruitier than exo, but everyone has their own nose. I think I prefer the exo just because it gets my brain mash up. lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, possibly due to how many exo i've harvested and smoked one after the other, but i've still not grown a strain which satisfies me like exo does, rather a bad thing i think :( Exo is like a dragon, everything else like peach cobbler


Well-Known Member
doob-i dont know you you dont know me
may his grace fall upon you and your luved ones
look to the creator for your support and
and i hope the creator supplies you the strenth to be there for the others

even if she is not concious make sure nutin but positive is said around her
its not being able to interact we dont know if they can hear and acknowledge -please keep that in mind

and when its time for you mother to be called
it only means she is there forever for you in another place
she will help to look over you and be waiting for you
for we will all be called one day
stay strong and walk in his light

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Doobie, tell her you're coming in your thoughts, hopefully you will get to say your goodbyes in person. Try to remember that this too is a part of life and we don't know what's after this if anything but maybe this is hell and when we die we are finally released from the madness to find peace of mind?

Our thoughts and for those who pray, our prayers will be with you and yours too.

Peace Doobie.


Well-Known Member
just another addiction
we start out addicted to weed
then weed an growin
next weed growin and seeds
its just the order of things
you are not the lone ranger

my question is whuts next ?

i got it

next order of protocol gota be makin seeds fosure


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I just got word from my dad back in Alaska that my mom is back in the hospital and not expected to make it.
She's 84 and had been diagnosed 6 years ago with Multi System Atrophy, a bad form of Parkinson's that's slowly shuts down the body's autonomic functions.
When they told her about it, they said people her age don't usually last but 3 to 5 years, so she showed tham bastards by making it 6 years.
But she's not conscious and on a respirator now, and has a Living Will, and the doctors have told my dad that it's not looking good for her to make it.
Am flying up to be with my dad in a few hours, and hopefully my mom will still be alive when I get there.
But I'll be offline for a while, though I'll lurk, I may not feel like posting for a while.
If you love someone... tell them.. and tell them often.

Keep your head up Doobie i had no idea how much we had in common with our moms. My mom has Huntingtons Diesese she is just getting to the point were Social Services is stepping in and making us put her in assisted living. All will be good in the end Doobie


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info cof, i am watching it now. Man i wish that the entire country would accept the medical use of MJ.