Club 600

Woo Hoo everyone is looking Frosty!!

Made the mistake in checking out some other threads on riu, we have some real Rocket Scientists in here. I swear It's like a different planet in the 600. My favorite so far is the guy who stripped all the leaves off of his plant so it looked like a French Poodle. Someone asked him why he removed all the leaves? His answer was "Bro, I Grow Buds Not Leaves" lol

Anyway Heres a new Video!!!

Morning peeps, nice snow Duchie.....and not an MJ plant in site.

Hopefully some pics coming.

I have a bloody virus on my laptop, someone tried to steel 000's out of my bank account, I was watching them do it on screen and luckily enough closed the connection. Spoke to the bank fraud dept and have to clean my system, and re-install everything, and wipe the master boot record, or something. Whatever, it doesn't sound like fun..........

Hello everyone. Busted my butt getting ready for a dinner guest tonight and in blew this storm that turn him around half way through the two hour trip. It's thick and wet and loves to suck vehicles into ditches. Oh well, the place looks great and Mrs. Duchie is pleased, so maybe I will be later too. ;)

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Hello everyone. Busted my butt getting ready for a dinner guest tonight and in blew this storm that turn him around half way through the two hour trip. It's thick and wet and loves to suck vehicles into ditches. Oh well, the place looks great and Mrs. Duchie is pleased, so maybe I will be later too. ;)

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check oot that sweet hps lighting on those christmas trees LOL ;)
I have a bloody virus on my laptop, someone tried to steel 000's out of my bank account, I was watching them do it on screen and luckily enough closed the connection. Spoke to the bank fraud dept and have to clean my system, and re-install everything, and wipe the master boot record, or something. Whatever, it doesn't sound like fun..........

That sucks man, glad you were able to stop it before it happened.

Welcome Back DST.
too right it's fukked up hellraizer, I am like, why is the bank asking me to do extra security log ins on codes that are for sending money. meanwhile your computers cpu is running like mad while they set payments up behind the screen. Crazy! Uploading pictures now though:)
Hi everyone, lets get this festive season started the way it should be....with lots of bud pron and tings may bru's!

Right, well since it is the festive season, we should have some Xmas pudding to kick off!! With cognac fire of course.....

And something to take you through the pics....
Now you all probably wonder, or may be not....why I say bru. That's because of my wife really who is Dutch/South African (she would kill me if she knew I had written Dutch first, lol), and Bru is a big saying down in SA.....well the pictures, and if you can be bothered the internet will tell the rest. A t-shirt I got from relatives in SA, kind of like the 600 really, May bru! (p.s May is not pronounced like the month, more like "my" with the A sounding more like an I...if you get my drift:shock:)


One of my grow room bru's....

Amber Trichome, if ya watching, this is kinda what cheese looks like when it's getting ready....



Chillberry Kush



DOG's at various stages of flower...










My exo cheese Mom that is now being put into flower.

Old skool OG Kush from seed (bag seed from DNA genetics weed bought from the Grey Area quite a few years ago)

greenest leaves I have seen on anything for a while.:leaf::shock::weed: It took me a while to realise that because I just planted the seedling into one of my old pots from a plant I had just harvested (yup, correct, I didn't change the medium, I just cut the plant and made a space at the top of the old root ball to plant the new plant). I am just watering it now, no added nutes. I did give it some nutes to start and realised it wasn't to happy so just watered it from there on. Seems to be better now.




Straight from 12/12, these look ready to impregnate me tinks.....Bolo Kush from seed. 2 different pheno's (and there is a third as well, a much taller one.) My fave is still the same, one on the right that is. Looks like the first Bolo I grew with the really long stigma's like a hippy who has been electricuted:-P no offence to peeps with long hair, lol. The one on the left has a really fat head but I think it'll be one of those more spongier types of bud, we shall see, I could be wrong. One never knows until you smoke it.

One on the left

One on the right




Donwstairs in the flower cab


I am growing a stralizia (sp) - aka bird of paradise. Wll it's actually the wifes and I said I would give it a go in the cab. Seems happy in there.

Although the DOG is on the middle floor, it generally grows up to the top light.

This is the Sour Cherry that I am testing for Breeders Boutique, if they work out well they will be going on the menu at the Boutique. These are from Hemlock with a sprinkling of genetics thrown in from me, Westy, Don, and Highlanders Cave. Hemlock can be contacted on his thread if you got any questions as a few people will have these seeds for testers. Please try them out. They must be okay if they got through the shit I have given them of late...bloody thrips.

Matanuska Thunder Fuk fae the Fairiest one.

Cesspools and a cross with Stomper OG in it from another Fairy (fukkin love the Fairy I do!!!!:clap:)

Now mw being a clumsy cunt like the rest of us, I snap off the odd top in flower, lol. Well this little DOG top I just didn't have the heart to throw away it was so pa-retty! So I stuck it in some coco then added some compost and the beauty turned into one ugly fuk, lol. First veg leaves are appearing now though.:shock:

Hey, I just thought, may be I could sell this as Pure Sativa, you know, the stuff that doesn't grow bud, just calyxes on the stems, lmao.

The rest of the YINS, the Cherry Sours, Cesspools, Stomper whatsists, and a few rooted clones in the nursey. Still waiting on the veg area being built properly.

So there you have it, sorrry I ain't been around to enjoy the festives.

Peace and pr0n to all.
Gotta try to replace starter in Acura this morning...wish me luck. I am not a mechanic, but just poor. According to the net I have to remove exhaust and driver-side axle to get to it!!
1993 Acura Legend

Modern cars sure do suck sometimes. I can't beleive you have to take so much off to get at a damn starter. That sucks bro. You should be able to do it though. Not the most complicated of jobs... just tedious removing it all. Make sure to keep the end of the axle with the gear type bit on it clean. Well... keep everything clean, lol. Good luck. Wish I was there to help you.
cheers scotia,

old cars suck as well Jig, my first car, a Nissan Stanza, lol. when the clutch went I was going to have to remove the whole engine, so I just left it parked up for ages and the local kids strashed the shit out of it one New Year (first year I went to Amsterdam)lol...
remember to unplug you're battery (I fried a car once. Grounded by accident)!!! Good luck!

I ruined my AC like this. Was unbolting it and the big ratchet I was using swung around right onto the hot terminal. Made a nice little pop, put a little hole in the ratchet and no more AC. :( Luckily I live where it's cold most of the time. Not having a heater... now that would be terrible.

Jig, I kind of got that feeling using Mad Farmer's Mother of all Blooms(M.O.A.B) Seemed that this run none of my plants that I used it on didnt really have much of a flowering stretch. I used it during the 1st two weeks of Flowering only (as directions say)and then the Last two weeks of Flowering. I got the samples from a Grow Expo and was wondering if you or anyone ever used it before?

Never used MOAB before. I've read about it a few times, but just heard it mentioned. I'm super happy with the products (or lack of products) I'm using now. Down to just 7. Oh, well I guess 9 if you count veg.

Oh man some of those Imports can be a pain in the butt. Reason #1 why I drive a Volvo.

Might be a challenge if you don't have the right tools or a lift. I recently changed a water pump on a 2001 Nissan and it took 2 days. They bury the water pump inside the engine block. I swear they do that shit on purpose just to screw with people who do their own repairs.

Get this! It took me 2 days to get the fucking valve covers off my 98 jeep grand cherokee. And I've been messing with cars my whole life. Hehe... dad was a mechanic and I guess when I was a little baby my most common resting spot was in the botton drawer of the craftsman tool chest. So yeah... modern cars just suck sometimes. It is my fault somewhat. I had to get the special 5.9L engine... so it's crammed in the engine compartment something fierce.

Like you said SS... I was cursing the engineers the whole time. Even changing the sparkplugs is a bit of an adventure on the jeep. You'd think it was a damn lambo or something.

Jhod, Bud, SoCali, DST... I think those are the folks with the buds on the past couple pages. All making the 600 proud. Damn we all grow some fuckin dank. Just rediculous. Awesome.

Duchie really nice shots. Looks lovely. I hope everyone was happy by the end of the night. ;) :)

And DST. I am very very happy with my free antivirus program. Avast! It's supposed to be the most widely used in the world. It's really great... you should check it out. What are you using now? It's horrible that happened. THat's some real change everything shit. You should make sure your computer is clean then change every password and login you can think of. Really really unfortunate mate. What a shitty welcome home.

At least the green girls are looking nice. No shithead trying to mess with them from afar.
I'm talking old, like pre 1978. Clutches are a bitch to change no matter what. I'm guessing you used to drive like me if you needed a new clutch, haha. I changed a clutch on my Nissan Altima. Ha... that's the one that was all fixed up. You can't fuck with my little 4 door import.
Beautiful garden, as always, D :-)
Good to see that you guestimated their needs properly while away.
And looking forward to seeing the old school genes blossom under your tender ministrations, too!
Looking great!
The pheno you displayed of the MTF is a killer (I've seen 3, possibly 4, phenos in the MTF that I have), and should prove to be satisfactory, in the end. ;-)
And loved the pic of the pudding!
Always someone talking food-smack or throwing up pics of food while I'm toking up!
Okay, maybe the Laws of Probability are weighted towards most any given event happening while I'm toking up, as I tend to do so as often as possible. ;-)
Be that as it may be, and ir-regardless of all facts (and proper grammar), I'm going to have to make a run to the kitchen for a late night dinner raid now!
Baked potato with butter, a 10-oz tenderloin (lightly seasoned with Lawry's Seasoned Salt, black pepper, cumin, and garlic powder, seared in a pan of peanut oil & butter for 3 minutes per side, then broiled in the oven for 3 minutes per side, comes out mid-rare), and some buttery garlic/parmesean toast from butterflied hoagie buns, a carrot (raw).
Damn! I'm making myself hungry!
Okay, off to the galley!
After a few more tokes.
I had Beef Wellington for Xmas dinner, then we had Steak pie on boxing day....bloody ell, instant gout. Enjoy the Tenderloin Doobs.
I'll post a pic of it when it's all done & plated nicely.
A little bit of pay back for all the food pR0n over the last 2 years & 836 pages!

*love Beef Wellington! Damn! Getting more hungry now! :-)

**my first car was a 1968 Chevy truck. 350hp 327-cid V-8 with a 4-barrel Holley 650cfm double-pumper carb, hooked up to a TH-400 tranny, running through 6.70-to-1 gears in 1-ton axles.
Would get to 60-mph in about 5 seconds flat.
Could sit inside the engine compartment with the engine when you needed to work on it.
Didn't need to jack it up to work under it.
Copulation, I miss that old beast!
Please can we start a discussion about checking Trichomes to establish when our plants are ready? Do you think this is the most reliable way?

Only reason I ask is because I don't really get too anal about checking my trichomes. I go more for how the plant looks when it finishes I guess. I see a lot of people use this as their measure.

Okay, so here's my thoughts. A plant matures and fattens up when stigmas start receeding and calyxz's start swelling. Different plants of different genotype backgrounds display different rates of maturation and differing levels of the compounds in MJ, thc, cbd, cbn, etc, etc. That being said, people saying, Ok, I see 10% amber in my trichomes, it's time for chop. Do they apply this across the board to all strains? And if so, how can a uniform measure like this be applied to an non-uniform platform, i.e the different gentypes of MJ in the world.

I often think when someone says that they are going to chop. "oh, well I think I would leave it go a bit longer personally", and sometimes that is just a personal opinion which is why it stays that way. But I often think, that smoke will be nice, but if they had just left it a bit longer the weight would have increased, and the power would have increased, but one avoids chirping in when it is not a good idea to do so....well, most of the times, lol.

So please, comments appreciated?

I even read one comment: "trichomes are the only way to know if a plant is ready", how bold a statement.
For me i watch the plants, when the hairs start to re tract I cut, almost 99% of the time when i do that! After dryed and
Cured il throw it under a scope theres 15% amber trichs the rest are milky and thats right where i like it.
Lol on the bold statement. Here's my thoughts. I grow for me. If I have some left over and others get a little... good for them. But I'm not growing for them, or for money. I'm growing to smoke some good herb that makes me feel the way I wanna feel. It's a great reason to be growing in my opinion. That being said, my aim is to produce smoke that I will enjoy. I've found that the past year or so I've been digging on the sativa highs. I've felt as if I was going to have a panic attack a couple times... and I liked it. hahaha, strange I know. I'm a bit over the knocked off your ass indica high. I'm tired of taking naps (is that ironic, or an oxymoron).

So... I think the best way to fine tune the effect you are hopefully going to get is to look at trichs. Does that make sense?

I definitely feel that there is just a 'look' to a plant when it has reached it's full potential. And I think if you are growing for weight, or to make the punters happy, or just growing to get 100% out of your plants... then the 'look' method is the best. This is because (as most of us have experienced) some plants just don't have amber trichs. You can leave em growing for ever waiting for 50% amber (or whatever) and it won't get there. My Casey Jones went for 12 weeks while I waited for more than 10% amber trichs. It could have gone 15 and never gotten more. In that case the 'trich' method failed me. I probably would have taken her at 10 or 11 weeks if I was looking for a finished plant.

That being said, I use the trich method now, becuase I want a buzz high, so it's easy. When I see any amber at all... it's time to chop. I'm sure I'm giving up weight, and hard hitting ness, giving up thc and chb (or whatever that is). But it makes me happy and that's my point.

So I think it really has to do with what your goal is.

Lol again at the bold statement. There isn't one right way to do anything in the world... and that is the truth.

EDIT: We disagreed on this recently D... about when to take a plant down on someone's thread. Hahaha... I still think I was right, lol. ;) A week to long that grow went, hehehe.

EDIT 2: My first car was a 1976 Chevy Malibu Classic. 350 v8 Giant bench seat in the front. Damn it was a sexy car. Was dubbed 'The Pimp-mobile' back in the day.
I used to measure a plant's done-ness by the trichs, but now go for the receding hairs & swelling caylxes (calyxii?).
I'm also taking samples from each plant as it nears maturity, too, so I have lungs-on experience with where each plant is in it's life span, too.
And, jig, I'm also moving away from the total couch-lock-nod-off-to-sleep buds I'm used to growing.
Loving the head high more than the body high, unless I actually need to sleep, or am hurting bad that day.
I did notice that I chopped my plants this last time when the trichs were all milky white, and some buds cured to have amber trichs when all was said & done.
It's a crazy world we live in...