Club 600


Well-Known Member
I want to play this while I sleep... Its too damn hot out to open a window.



Well-Known Member
yea, lets not entertain her. even if she was a female she creeps me out. im just going to think of her as a hermie. * realized that didnt help.


Well-Known Member
mensabarbie is a pic collector, which is another name for a dude pretending to be a girl online.

never been more certain of anything in my life.


Well-Known Member
I'm still listening to the soothing forest sounds provided by Meistro Whodat....

...Aum Namah Shivaya, baby...


*for those unfamiliar with Vedic texts:

Namaḥ Śivāya is the most holy name of God Śiva, recorded at the very center of the Vedas and elaborated in the Śaiva Agamas.
Na is the Lord's concealing grace, Ma is the world, Śi stands for Śiva, Va is His revealing grace, Ya is the soul.
The five elements, too, are embodied in this ancient formula for invocation.
Na is earth, Ma is water, Śi is fire, Vā is air, and Ya is ether, or
Many are its meanings.
Namaḥ Śivaya has such power, the mere intonation of these syllables reaps its own reward in salvaging the soul from bondage of the treacherous instinctive mind and the steel bands of a perfected externalized intellect.
Namaḥ Śivāya quells the instinct, cuts through the steel bands and turns this intellect within and on itself, to face itself and see its ignorance.
Sages declare that mantra is life, that mantra is action, that mantra is love and that the repetition of mantra, japa, bursts forth wisdom from within.
The holy Natchintanai proclaims, "Namaḥ Śivāya is in truth both Āgama and Veda. Namah Śivāya represents all mantras and tantras. Namaḥ Śivaya is our souls, our bodies and possessions. Namaḥ Śivāya has become our sure protection."

Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami