Club 600

An ok weekend is being had. Mrs D is away in London at a Design conference, and I couldn't even be arsed going out last night getting on it. I must be getting old, lol. I watched Men in Black and the Adjustment Crew/Squad, I can't quite remember the name, lol. Matt Damon was in it.
Nice, I found the box and instructions... if you think you'd ever want them let me know.

Still only 2 plants with roots. Keeping my fingers crossed for more to appear.

Hope all you guys are having a good weekend. As quiet as it is in here I assume everyone is have a good time.
Definitely getting old, lol. Wifes out of town and you had a movie night. Hope the Mrs is enjoying the big smoke. Happy sunday bru. Just turned sunday here a few minutes ago.
waking an bakin. having a lazy morning, think the boss wants me to go food shopping though :shock: for some reason i can only do this after hefty bongo.

off to the footy this after! howay the lads!
An ok weekend is being had. Mrs D is away in London at a Design conference, and I couldn't even be arsed going out last night getting on it. I must be getting old, lol. I watched Men in Black and the Adjustment Crew/Squad, I can't quite remember the name, lol. Matt Damon was in it.

Watching a little romance films aswel eh! Did you have a huge smile on your face whrn they finally got together. Nothing could keep them apart, not even the Adjustment Bureau
that's the one. I actually only caught half of the film (first bit I saw was the dude in the hats trying to stop this other dude (matt) to stop seeing her....wierd doors involved and shtuff, got my attention). It was turned on when looking for a film to watch, I wanted to do the Avengers but they didn't have Capn America and I believe you have to watch that one first. Anyway, I wasn't really sure what was going on until near the end, lol. Hence my vague recollection of the name!

Men in Black III was a pile of old willy wash, i think I laughed once (it was a comedy right?!?!?)

Watching a little romance films aswel eh! Did you have a huge smile on your face whrn they finally got together. Nothing could keep them apart, not even the Adjustment Bureau
Dam, this Rioja is nice! 2008 from Campo Viejo. Think I'll end up going to get another bottle, it's not even 1pm.:shock:
nothing like some gratuitious Sunday s pr0n!

Man alert. Stinky piss smelling Deep Blue. Shifted this naughty boy from the greenhouse, some of the pref-flowers on my ladies are pollenated, lol.

Jizz alert.:shock:






