Club 600

If you stress a female plant and it produces pollen, the resulting seeds will be feminized.
If a plant is not stressed and shows both sexes, then the resulting seeds could produce hermaphrodites and regular plants of both sexes.

Plants that turn naturally into hermaphrodites are kinda rare.

If you have a mother plant and clone it those clones are not going to be hermaphrodites, unless you stress them into it. The resulting seeds from that would be feminized.

Knowing this I am mad at myself for tossing out a bunch of Killer Queen seeds when I was a noob and mucked up the fert.
Those seeds were basically clones.


Cheers buddy, lets say for instance i have two plants, one complete female and one that hermies, will all resulting seeds be fems??
you will find out in time greenthumb2k10.

i'm no expert but with seeds you never really know what you are going to get until you grow them out. just my opinion, but dealing with hermies is a greeeyyyy area.
Its simple genetics.....u take a true female and stress her with silver. She becomes a hermie. U use the pollen to pollenate another true female. Then u have femzd seeds
you will find out in time greenthumb2k10.i'm no expert but with seeds you never really know what you are going to get until you grow them out. just my opinion, but dealing with hermies is a greeeyyyy area.
U should have a look at Dutch Master Reverse. When I grew using fem seeds it was a must
does anyone else have a slight fear that in the future all we will be growing is hermie plants?, by allowing them to breed i feel we are weakening the cannabis genepool.

i hope i'm wrong, i really need to read more about breeding and genetics.
I keep telling Mrs D the same thing, but she insists we have kids:)

does anyone else have a slight fear that in the future all we will be growing is hermie plants?, by allowing them to breed i feel we are weakening the cannabis genepool.

i hope i'm wrong, i really need to read more about breeding and genetics.
If one more person describes the smell of weed as a packet of fucking cereal, or some stupid shit, I swear to god I will do something....what that will be remains to be seen, bit I will, I promise! Just go to a fuckin market and start picking up fruit and veg, and go into nature and smell stuff for chrikeys sake. Big FFS!!!

seriously, I am not joking!:)
Sigh, sniffle, sniffle. The pics, I'm having withdrawal pangs...and a good sunday to all you lucky folks. You know who you are, the ones with the green gardens.

A plant that hermies or is a hermie will produce hermie offspring and in general it is odd to get a true male. Most of the seeds start out as female and at some point in flowering, the balls appear and they have the bad habit of pollinating any true females you may have going. With that said, if you keep an eye on a plant that hermies and try to pic off the balls before they splooge, the resulting end product can be ass kicking. Feminized beans have their place in my humble opinion but it is also very important to keep the gene pool going with regular seeds. That's my two cents on the matter.

And a big hello to all the old folks on the six hundred, you are thought of fondly, often.
If one more person describes the smell of weed as a packet of fucking cereal, or some stupid shit, I swear to god I will do something....what that will be remains to be seen, bit I will, I promise! Just go to a fuckin market and start picking up fruit and veg, and go into nature and smell stuff for chrikeys sake. Big FFS!!!

seriously, I am not joking!:)

I understand your upset... but what do you want when the weed we grow literally smells like a bag of cereal? The stuff I grow doesn't smell natural like your stuff does. It must be the chemical ferts I use, but it don't smell like citrus, or berries... it strait up smells like fruity pebbles. No joke. Buy a box, smell it, and you will know EXACTLY what a lot of my weed smells like.

It's not that we are lazy or something bru.... it's that the weed SMELLS JUST LIKE CEREAL!!!!!


You are too funny bru.

Good to see you Heads Up.
I only posted that because I knew you would get in there with yer Captain Crunch fuckin babble, lol.

And there are millions of Berries, please be specific when saying Berry! laughing my fucking arse off even more.......

Rioja does kick arse BTW, The description say's:

Velvety and elegant wine, intense cherries on the nose (which it does BTW), spicey cranberries (I have never smelled a spicey cranberry - they are obviously running out of things to say),, oh and also redcurrants, WTF! lol.

To me:

it definitely smells of cherries, a bit of nail polish (that's the heavy alcohol content - it's 13.5% wine), It has nice legs, clean on the palet, short to medium on the taste length, not to high in tannins and doesn't leave ones chops felling like they need hosed out. At 6.99 a bottle (which is the cost of a joint roughly for me) it ain't bad.

I understand your upset... but what do you want when the weed we grow literally smells like a bag of cereal? The stuff I grow doesn't smell natural like your stuff does. It must be the chemical ferts I use, but it don't smell like citrus, or berries... it strait up smells like fruity pebbles. No joke. Buy a box, smell it, and you will know EXACTLY what a lot of my weed smells like.

It's not that we are lazy or something bru.... it's that the weed SMELLS JUST LIKE CEREAL!!!!!


You are too funny bru.

Good to see you Heads Up.
I had a brief thing with a girl at schoool who I called "Beef Crisps", (not to her face of course, far too cowardly for that!). That's all I could think of when I was down there. To this day I can't stand steak of beef flavoured crips, lol. And they smell nothing like beef or steak!!!! too fucking much.

Better it smells of fruity pebbles than a ginger wheeling eh D :lol:
Some smells are distinct and easily recoginized and are described in terms that are known, such as the cereal.....and southern charm smells and taste like juicy fruit.

You guys with all your terms that are lost on the majority of us in the US. Funny shite all the same though :)

I do get the Ginger wheelspin and Beef crisp refs though, :lol:
I'm supposed to hitting a Firefighter benefit picnic today but the boy may not be up to it after two nights of not sleeping well. He's getting checked out right now because he had a high fever in the middle of the night again last night and has a pretty red and sore throat.

The picnics are always lots of fun and there's always good food, wine and beer so hopefully we still go. He entered a hula hoop contest last year, lol