Club 600

yea i need a spore kit stat, my guy who trades me for herb went off the deep end so lol there goes the supply. ( i mean i think he smoked too much dmt or did some ibogain or some shit and hes a loon now
user....go with 2 600s if a 1k is on your mind. better light spread with cross light about the same amperage at 120v.

whodat, i know what you mean man when i was around that age i did the same thing in florida and i was sitting around a patio table with 10 or so friends and girlfriends and the blunt came around to me, i hit it, and promptly projectile vomitted all over my buddies GF sitting on his lap across from me. It got in her mouth lol gross sorry.
Agreed on the light spread,, I love duel 600s one hps one mh :-)

Do not eat those things! I grown shrooms and go shroom hunting every year and if you eat those you wont be whodat any longer you will be whodead :S

LOL that's real talk right there

But no for real shrooms are so much fun to grow. I love me some boomers.

Thats awesome man. Thanks for the input by the way lol whodead I dont want to be!
15 is when I started growing for real, got my very first 600 :-) Anyway, while reading all day every day about growing cannabis I was also reading about growing shrooms, learned allot about it but have since forgot. I may want to give it a go sometime soon :-)
yea i need a spore kit stat, my guy who trades me for herb went off the deep end so lol there goes the supply. ( i mean i think he smoked too much dmt or did some ibogain or some shit and hes a loon now

Don't need a kit just make you some cakes and buy some spores. Simple. Have you some shrooms ready in 5-6 weeks if all goes well :D
Agreed on the light spread,, I love duel 600s one hps one mh :-)

Thats awesome man. Thanks for the input by the way lol whodead I dont want to be!
15 is when I started growing for real, got my very first 600 :-) Anyway, while reading all day every day about growing cannabis I was also reading about growing shrooms, learned allot about it but have since forgot. I may want to give it a go sometime soon :-)

Like I just told canna it's so simple.
whodat... i dont know how much you know about mycology but those certainly do not look like psilocybin or psylocin varieties. they dont seem to be amanita or fly agaric. be very very careful mate. best shrooms IMO are thai aborts, penis envy uncuts and blue hawiians.
I will second that lol the best trip i ever had was about 2 months ago on some P.E. I was watching Spongebob and the tv started melting and looking deformed lol good times good times i ate about 3-4 caps and stems and was on another planet for a good 7 hours
Im currently in the final phases on building my rooms. I am limited in height by 6ft in each room. As a result I figured 600w hps was a high wattage as I could go due to limited height. I'm now wondering if I should go 1000w hps.... I haven't bought my gear yet. That should be next week...
what are we talking about here??? 600w are the sweet spot in bulbs. to me?
i wonder however if it reaches as far away, not width, but length of the light vertically. i noticed my 1000 i can put the plants an awful long ways away and it seems to stay in that happy medium by eye.
attempt #2

Day 19 from seed.

Veg Box :-)

LxWxH 8 x 3.5 x 3.5, open air hood 600w digilux MH on a galaxy balast, 6 foot light rail.














what are we talking about here??? 600w are the sweet spot in bulbs. to me?

let me explain at how I've arrived at my current plan.

due to height restrictions (6ft ceiling) I believed I was limited to using a 600w and I am/ was ok with that.

i realize what thread I am in so its very pro 600w

i am doing small / legal / medicinal ( for me only ) cannabis. At most 6 plants in each room per the law. So I really am just concerned with what's best for the final product without throwing money out the window on the wrong gear.

600w or 1000w

heck I was even thinking of lining a few walls with some ho flourescent tubes...

i have till next weekend or so till I go and buy the stuff...need to cut some duct holes and make new electric live.

We are pro anything that grows dank :-) they will both grow the same quality bud... and if your half decent at growing, using a 600 you should have plenty of trouble consuming all of your meds before the next crop is in ;-)

Depending on your lay out, the best option in my opinion is 2 600s, one HPS one MH, the plants will love the mixed spectrum,,, thus growing better dank.