Club 600

I must add that I saw Rush on their 2011 Time Machine tour (featured in the video), and it is way more impressive in person.
I was three rows from the stage, right in front of Alex's area of the stage (Stage Left) so Geddy was across the stage most of the time while playng & singing.
... Geddy would switch places with Alex during his bass solos and whenever he didn't have to be at the mic to sing, so I got an huge eyefull of him playing about 12 feet away.
And Alex pointed at me twice when he saw me standing without my fists raised and playfully admonished me to do so, which I did, then he made me get both fists up and roar for him before smiling and scooting back across the stage to tell Geddy something.
The absolute best live concert performance I've ever heard.
I must add that I saw Rush on their 2011 Time Machine tour (featured in the video), and it is way more impressive in person.
I was three rows from the stage, right in front of Alex's area of the stage (Stage Left) so Geddy was across the stage most of the time while playng & singing.
... Geddy would switch places with Alex during his bass solos and whenever he didn't have to be at the mic to sing, so I got an huge eyefull of him playing about 12 feet away.
And Alex pointed at me twice when he saw me standing without my fists raised and playfully admonished me to do so, which I did, then he made me get both fists up and roar for him before smiling and scooting back across the stage to tell Geddy something.
The absolute best live concert performance I've ever heard.

I saw them on the "Roll the Bones" and "Moving Pictures" tour back in the day. Still trying to pick my jaw up off the ground. Sound quality was absolutely stellar. one of the best I have ever heard. Although Dethklok live was freakin crazy sick loud crunchy thunderous.........\m/ \m/ Metal!!!!! sorry I am easily excited.

It's Bowl:45 in the morning here so, on the opposite end of the spectrum:

What I liked about dethklok was the Show. Not just a bunch of smelly metal heads (I like smelly metal too. lol) staring at the necks of their guitars in levi vest's. The band is in silhouette on stage and they play an interactive movie while a real live band plays. Very entertaining indeed.
Just found out the water im using has fucken flouride in it, im crying because there's no way in hell i can afford the online options for flouride removal from water. Now i realize why i cant achieve my max potential maybe? I'd love to hear your guys take on this. I wont lie i feel like ive just been licked by a horse....20 years without realizing the damn water had this in it!
I can get by with tap water when using soil/coco, I have to bubble it and correct the ph. With hydro it just flat wont work period. I switched quickly to RO (from the grocery store} and cal mag, all my problems faded into the past.
I cringe to think about how good it could be without the flouride, ie what icve been missing. Guess ive been lucky cause the plants always turn out decent potency wise, hopefully its a small enough amount that its not deterimental. Bear in mind ive grown 6 gardens with this water! idk how but i have!lol!
We've got a reported 0.75 ppm of fluoride here in my town.
Getting by on tap water so far.
Seems like a multi-edged sword, too.
Builds up in the leaf margins during transpiration, can be easily absorbed foliarly as a vapor, and when in the presence of calcium it will shed it's sodium ion in exchange for a calcium ion, raising salt levels in the medium/water.
Not to mention the effects on the biosphere of the medium just from the fluoride itself.
I wonder what amount is the danger level is for cannabis plants.
We would know such things if cannabis research hadn't been killed by the feds...
We've got a reported 0.75 ppm of fluoride here in my town.
Getting by on tap water so far.
Seems like a multi-edged sword, too.
Builds up in the leaf margins during transpiration, can be easily absorbed foliarly as a vapor, and when in the presence of calcium it will shed it's sodium ion in exchange for a calcium ion, raising salt levels in the medium/water.
Not to mention the effects on the biosphere of the medium just from the fluoride itself.
I wonder what amount is the danger level is for cannabis plants.
We would know such things if cannabis research hadn't been killed by the feds...

yeah wasnt it a federal reccomendation many moons ago that they put that poison in our drinking water? ironicaly doobie our towns levels are identical, so id be willing to take any and all advice from you on your experiances, i was just jumpin my shit because i use tea's to feed my babies.
I'm not sure just yet.
I switched over to hempy bucket on my last plant when it stalled out and started dying half-way through flowering.
I've been running it now for well over a month on tap water, using Fox Farm Big Bloom, CaMg+ from General Organics, Liquid Karma (humic acids & kelp extract), and Sweet Berry.
The plant had all but died when I transplanted the 3/4-gallon soil/root mass into a 3.5-gallon pot filled with perlight.
There are necrotic areas on the leaf margins of some of the leaves, but this was from before the transplanting into hempy bucket.
This next batch will really be the tell, since I'll be transplanting the little ones into the hempy buckets as soon as they're out of the partycup (only going to have about 4-oz of soil in it).
I may end up having to start going to Fred Meyer's to get R-O water by the gallon jug from the machine like you, wd.
Haha I am loving it a lot bro. Huge change from a 250 and 400. I'm really wanting to already get another one and do dual lights one 600hps and one 600mh :D

Funny you say fuzzy leaves as I remember when I was younger in my grandmas grandma she always had a plant(which I can't remember the name for the life of me) but it had fuzzy leaves and I use to call them rabbit ears and would pick them off and rub them on my arms and shit haha.

Oh the good old days. I miss my grandma :( She taught me everything I know about gardening. God bless her soul.

My grandma grew some sort of geraniums in her front yard that were super fuzzy.