Club 600

Whats up fellow 600 watters?? Just hot boxed my green house colder then shit out side somewhere in the 30's and in there 54`. Been a minute think the last time was about 8yrs ago in my bug or my vw bus. LMAO
Thanks for the advice guys. When I stuck my finger in there I could barely feel any moisture at all, dryer than a wrung out sponge, but not bone dry either. I can wait till morning and see how they are. I'm not too worried, just trying to figure this whole thing out.

@jhod, I can't remember the last time I hotboxed something like that. Shit. I'm sure I have done it in the last 15 years... I just can't remember lol. Sounds like good times.
Everyone is snuggled up around the light. Temps got up to 74 today with the fan on low. Pretty warm considering how cold it is!

These hempy pots might be my new future. My train wreck x fruity chronic. This things been growing like crazy. It's 33" to the pot and it was only like 5 inches tall when it went into flower. Either way I got some fox farms soils to use up too.
indoor plants for the most part are quite brittle and frail if they dont have a fan pushing them around a bit... it may look like they are getting a little "beat up" by the wind but i promise they like it and it will be a stonger plant for it... also this will circulate more CO2 around the leaves because if the leaves are not fluttering they most likley have used all the CO2 around that area... hope this helps jig
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Yeah winds helps the plants breath.

Supchacka that reminds me. Im thinking of going vertical cooltube in one of my cabs :-) I think I'll pull the trigger on that one.

looking good btw!
Thanks for the advice guys. When I stuck my finger in there I could barely feel any moisture at all, dryer than a wrung out sponge, but not bone dry either. I can wait till morning and see how they are. I'm not too worried, just trying to figure this whole thing out.

@jhod, I can't remember the last time I hotboxed something like that. Shit. I'm sure I have done it in the last 15 years... I just can't remember lol. Sounds like good times.
Also what's worked for me if the soil is bone dry and there wilted just water then mist them they will perk right back up
Doing what I do. Ripping from my journal.

Day 23

New glass!
half smoked piece of hash in it already lol I couldnt wait. That ash turns pure white, good stuff.

I got some work to do :shock: hehe


?p x SB1

Decided to hook up my tri meter... little brewing station is looking nice. It will get bigger here soon enough :-)
The meter has not been calibrated in a while but seems to be reading okay.
My rain water tests out~


I started a 1/4 strength tea a few hours ago, will get the number on that too :-)
I meant to show the crazy growth difference of this hempy. It went from solo cup to hempy on 12/7. This was on 12/23 when it went into flower.

And here only 3 weeks later. I've never had a plant grow so fast. Straight perlite with tap and cns17 grow and bloom with a dose of h2o2
I just love it chacka! awesome. Thats gotta be over an inch a day of growth :shock:

So a couple of my plants are kinds flopping over. Is that bad? Should I water them?

This one is standing up strait
View attachment 2482137

These two are leaning
View attachment 2482125View attachment 2482134

May be adjusting to the light? what are you running? From what you said before, maybe they need a little water, thos roots are barely out of the rw right?
Also, is it two of the same strain doing it? Is it close to lights out, Im guessing not? I know 2 or 3 of my blue pits will start laying down an hour before lights out, looks like they are wilting... I may grab a pic soon.
I meant to show the crazy growth difference of this hempy. It went from solo cup to hempy on 12/7. This was on 12/23 when it went into flower.

And here only 3 weeks later. I've never had a plant grow so fast. Straight perlite with tap and cns17 grow and bloom with a dose of h2o2

Jesus christ!!! That's a huge difference for only 3 weeks.
Alright guys just got my tax return so it's now time to buy some fun things and upgrade a few things.

Any suggestion? Watch out amazon! It's going to be like xmas all over again haha.
Haha I already ordered all of that ;)

Now I'm looking what else fun I can get lol. I'd prefer to get shit that is used to advance my grows but I'm open to all ideas.

Build a worm bin and buy some red wigglers, make your own top shelf castings. Thats my next step,,, then I want chickens and rabbits, food for me and the plants! I'll look into making feather bone meal too... Maybe even a little dried blood mwhahaha
Too bad I dont live by the ocean! Id be 100% set!
Whats up fellow 600 watters?? Just hot boxed my green house colder then shit out side somewhere in the 30's and in there 54`. Been a minute think the last time was about 8yrs ago in my bug or my vw bus. LMAO


Last time I can remember was at the drive-in movies in my 71 nova(396 bb, 1150 double pumper, turbo 400, recaro seats, cragar rims, wink mirror, grant wheel,
75 watt eq,6x9's and a mullet) hahaha

4 dudes 4 joints till you can't breath.

good times.
Build a worm bin and buy some red wigglers, make your own top shelf castings. Thats my next step,,, then I want chickens and rabbits, food for me and the plants! I'll look into making feather bone meal too... Maybe even a little dried blood mwhahaha

I've got rabbits and chickens and dogs and cats lol. Want some?

You have got me intrigued whodat on a worm bin, hmm.....Any other ideas in that knowledgeable head of yours ;)

Last time I can remember was at the drive-in movies in my 71 nova(396 bb, 1150 double pumper, turbo 400, recaro seats, cragar rims, wink mirror, grant wheel,
75 watt eq,6x9's and a mullet)

4 dudes 4 joints till you can't breath.

good times.

You know out of that entire statement all I saw was the highlighted part....

I love novas!!! I've got me a few project cars for the winter yay!
Build a worm bin and buy some red wigglers, make your own top shelf castings. Thats my next step,,, then I want chickens and rabbits, food for me and the plants! I'll look into making feather bone meal too... Maybe even a little dried blood mwhahaha
Too bad I dont live by the ocean! Id be 100% set!

I got to visit an OG Biodynamic farm in humboldt last summer and the guy had a garden downhill from the goat pen, he would feed the plants by watering the goat pens and directing the runoff to the plants. He brings in less than 10 pounds of material to his farm from the outside. He uses all his animals and surroundings to gather all he needs to grow. Very wise old dude. He only gave up a few tricks but you could see he had that shit tuned in to the land. You could taste the redwoods and ocean air in his pot. Check out Biodynamics if you are looking for some interesting reading.