Club 600

More legal fake weed killing young people... < not TRYING to be negative here, I jut thought some of you weed heads out there wouldn't mind. bongsmilie Im glad I got the real thing, Iv never tried that fake stuff.

WTF do you mean negative? That shit needs all the fucking attention it can get! That shit is the devil and needs to be banned, fuck that shit and anyone that is still making it. You'd be better off sniffing glue then smoking that shit.

Oh and whodat your inbox is full :D
More legal fake weed killing young people... < not TRYING to be negative here, I jut thought some of you weed heads out there wouldn't mind. bongsmilie Im glad I got the real thing, Iv never tried that fake stuff.

Early night for me, I'll be putting tread on the road early am, gonna do some visiting before the trip.


'like' for the info, not cuz kids are dying. Is that that 'spice' stuff? And does dairy mean something different in New Zealand or what?
'like' for the info, not cuz kids are dying. Is that that 'spice' stuff? And does dairy mean something different in New Zealand or what?

My daughter was dating a dude who was smoking that shit or something similar, and was really off sometimes.
I told her dont ever try that shit, and tell him that it can kill you.
She broke up with him, but I hope he just smokes some real herb and lives longer.
Hello 6! Hope everyone is well.

Harvest day tomorrow :D Took a sample bud off another girl who has about 12 days left and I must say damn I'm impressed hehehe.

The fun times are almost getting ready to start on giggles farm. Trimmers anyone? :D
Not gonna lie guys, I like some Zombie Matter from time to time. MJ is my #1, but when I want to get real weird that shit hits the spot. Wish I could still find it. Never seen anyone get injured by it, but have seen an ex of mine have a panic attack because of it. Thought she was going to need an ambulance. That's why I would never recommend it or give any to someone else.
Not gonna lie guys, I like some Zombie Matter from time to time. MJ is my #1, but when I want to get real weird that shit hits the spot. Wish I could still find it. Never seen anyone get injured by it, but have seen an ex of mine have a panic attack because of it. Thought she was going to need an ambulance. That's why I would never recommend it or give any to someone else.

I know where that shit is, but I am never going to touch it again. Fuck that shit. It's not even a good high. I wanted to rip my fucking heart out last time!
My girl's cousin smokes it and it makes it straight up retarded, like he turns into mush and can't talk. Shit is just straight up stupid.

How the fuck can that shit be legal but cannabis cant, it just puzzles the fuck outa me
don't say retarded. if someone else has a loved one that is retarded, it hurts their feelings.
don't say retarded. if someone else has a loved one that is retarded, it hurts their feelings.

No he's retarded when he smokes the fake shit, not literally retarded, I didn't mean it in a bad way. Read up on what we were talking about and it will make sense. Promise that's not how I roll. I love special people :D

Oh and fyi, she says he's retarded and annoys her lol
From Merriam-Webster:

retarded: to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment :impede

I'd say smoking that shit makes you flat out retarded.

I don't know anyone with a loved one that is retarded.
I do know people who have loved ones who are developmentally challenged, and handicapable and differently-abled.

You are correct in that the word "retarded" when applied to a human who was born "different" is not too cool.
But it is correct to use it on someone who does stupid shit that's makes them even more stupid.
My cousins go full retard on this stuff. He was smoking it every day. He now told me that he is hearing voices, and shit... I don't know if it made him wig out or what..? It does the same thing to them, they can't talk right, and start moving funny. I told him it makes him retarded as shit and he's like "I have really good ideas on it".... Yeah, retard.
When I was a kid the teachers called this other kid "Special". To this day I have resented that. I find out the other day he wasn't special at all, and actually really retarded. Now we call all morons "special".

J/K :|
ay dst didn't read it all but I saw that stem.. and, is it flat-ish? because I remember watching strain hunters one time on youtube and they come across these genetic mutations witch the stem grows flat. have you seen that?