hi Ppl. can I join the club
new to indoor growing (a month in to my fist grow)
all startet when I was so lucky to get 3 fixtures for free, our electrician at work was changing the outside fixtures as they wher "broken" as he said (the plastic houseing)
and he was about to throw them out !!! was expecting T8 (as we use em indoor at the factorie I work at) so after removeing the broken plastic to strip them appart for what I needed it was a really nice surprise to discover it was T5 HO 49W (tho the 5 feet model but still pretty nice for 0$)
so all in all it only cost me like 50$ to buy 6 new tubes (4x 6500K and 2x 2700K 4750 lums each)
now as Im new to indoor growing and therfore useing light I do have a few questions some of you guys/galz my be able to answer ?
I have been looking around a lot and read a lot, but ther are also a lof of diffrent oppinions out ther and I must admit Im a bit confused ..
fist of all .. distance I mean from the T5 bulb to the plant top .. some say 1 inch some 4 and agin some say the lum output of the tube is at 1 foot away ?
the tubes are not hot at all and I can easily keep temp. around 72-78F so I could keep it 1 inch away ..
but it is like 28K lumen or so and the plants are only like 4-5 weeks old (10-12 inches high) could it be to much light for a young plant in veg ?
also .. since there are no real problem with heat using T5 I have been wondering .. do you Ppl. use a fan inside your grow room or just keep it good ventilated ?
and 3th .. since the houseing of the fixtures was broken and the reflextors was`t wort much I had to make one my self ..
used a hmmm... what is it call in english ? like wood but cheep .. thin .. brown .. use it to connect the 3 fixtures .. coverd it with maylor
but it is flat .. will this do or should I consider to buy something or make a better ? how much difference does it make ?
here are some pictures (not the best can take more tomorrow (it is dark time

Ooh yeah and my small ladies
one FIM one LST (couldn't decide what would be best for T5/yield aso. so did go boath ways to see for myself
