Club Vert(600)


Well-Known Member
So how much slope should hydro have? W/ my current measurement of 6inches out 10inches up steps I have about 55degrees slope.
Now you got me confused. Pictures would help. If you mean the slope of the tubes, you don't need anything like 55 degrees. Mine drop 3 inches or so in about 3 feet. If you are talking about the angle of the stadium then I have no clue. I don't think there is a set angle that is any better than another. Would be space and strain dependent to optimize.

Are you concerned with oxygenation of the water? A good waterfall into the rez would make enough... and you can put an extra powerhead in the rez if you want more.

EDIT: Didn't see those other posts. I think it really has to do with your space and your strain. If they are real bush you might need the extra depth. It's all just a matter of preference. If it were me I'd just step the tubes back enough to clear the tubes in front of them. Very steep stadium. Like the nosebleeds at dodger stadium. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, i wasnt clear in my question. I meant for each step, how far should each step be down. I ended up w/ a 96in tube in my stinkbud system and it was about 7inches higher on one end, drained pretty good.


Well-Known Member
That was my plan just didn't know if 10in down was enough. I may go 11. I see where you say 45 in one post, but nose bleeds at dodgers are more like 70degress haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I'd agree. Not enough vertical space between the rows. Maybe if he raised the light to change where it's coming from.

My levels drop about 16 inches. I think it's a bit much... 12 or so would be good. 10 would work, but I think 12 or so would be optimum.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It must not show up on mobile. I'm at home now and i see it in the sig. Thanks for posting it up. Also thanks for answering all my questions, hard to find any good help over here in the vert section i feel like!!


Well-Known Member
I went w/ 11in drop split your 10 and 12 haha. I will throw some pics up once i get it together, i got the ends up but need to get a couple different fittings to make it sturdy. I do have a question not related to vert while i have your ear. On your "flooded tubes" vs "NFT", Is the only difference that the flooded tubes have dam's built in and let the water be higher and the NFT stuff is just allowed to run free?


Well-Known Member
I feel like the problem is there are few of us doing it. So when we try to find others doing it, it's not easy and we get frustrated and just say, ah hell... I'll just live with all the horizontal growers who don't know what I'm talking about lol. I was on another site that was strictly for vertical growing. Never took off, not enough folks doing what we do.

They'll all see one day, and look at us like the ground breakers we are. :)

And I have videos on youtube if you like that sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
I went w/ 11in drop split your 10 and 12 haha. I will throw some pics up once i get it together, i got the ends up but need to get a couple different fittings to make it sturdy. I do have a question not related to vert while i have your ear. On your "flooded tubes" vs "NFT", Is the only difference that the flooded tubes have dam's built in and let the water be higher and the NFT stuff is just allowed to run free?
Exactly. Yes. I've found the only reason to have dams at all are 2. If there are clones that don't have roots long enough to get to the bottom. And if you live where there is constant power outages.


Well-Known Member
Thats a big ass flower on a tiny ass plant! Great job bro. And that first above pic looks almost like a heart :-) I heart vert.


Well-Known Member
It was meant to be. haha

I went to home depot today and the girl forgot to charge me for a few things. :)