CNN just called it


Well-Known Member
and it's been less than 24 hours since some of the polls closed.
In Hawaii and Alaska maybe.

That event took place early in the day yesterday. Longer than 24 hours ago. And the polls closed in Philadelphia 28 hours ago. More than enough time to determine if a retraction is required. Journalistic integrity, as well as Democratic activists, would demand it.


Well-Known Member
if a some "thug" or "goon" tried to intimidate into voting 4 a certain person, i would have to show them how a real g does it, i'd back the guy with the knightstick to put it dwn down, tell him to to either get in line or leave and if he tries to swing i'd have a straight left in he's face so fast he wont be able to spell black panthers


New Member
I still want to know how "thugs with nightsticks" could hang around a polling place all day, why weren't the "election monitors" calling the cops? Were the cops on vacation yesterday? I would think that cops would have been patrolling pretty close to polling places considering the tension between the 2 parties.

Were the thugs following people into the voting booths?

I still think something is really amiss about this story, time will tell.


Well-Known Member
I still want to know how "thugs with nightsticks" could hang around a polling place all day, why weren't the "election monitors" calling the cops? Were the cops on vacation yesterday? I would think that cops would have been patrolling pretty close to polling places considering the tension between the 2 parties.

Were the thugs following people into the voting booths?

I still think something is really amiss about this story, time will tell.
I agree completely. More sensational bullshit. Too bad it's over and don't mean shit. Some people always have to have some drama to become histerical about.


Well-Known Member
" you need to behave like a loving human being " well said,well said. I want everyone to know that I didn't even vote & I must tell you something quite amazing took place place in this country & around the world(THE WORLD) yestarday & it was FUCKIN' beautiful. Who cares who won.......take a couple of minutes to think about it.......I think any person who considers theirself civilized knows what I mean. One last thing you all seem to want a great deal from Obama why don't you think of something said by a president adored by this country many years ago & still today & I must say I can see many of his qualities in Barack. " Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. " - JFK


Well-Known Member
I still want to know how "thugs with nightsticks" could hang around a polling place all day, why weren't the "election monitors" calling the cops? Were the cops on vacation yesterday? I would think that cops would have been patrolling pretty close to polling places considering the tension between the 2 parties.

Were the thugs following people into the voting booths?

I still think something is really amiss about this story, time will tell.
Did you read the story? Based on your comments and questions, it is painfully obvious you did not. I posted the link previously, but here it is in its entireity.

(CNN) — A man wearing what appeared to be a black outfit with a beret and holding a nightstick was asked by police to leave a polling location in Philadelphia Tuesday, according to Philadelphia County Board of Elections Supervisor, Bill Rubin.

Rubin says the man left without incident. He says another man wearing similar attire had a poll watcher certificate and was allowed to remain at the polling site at 1221 Fairmont Avenue.

A video posted on Youtube, by, shows two men standing several feet in front of the entrance to Guild House West, the polling location for the 4th Division of Ward 14 in Philadelphia. The cameraman in the video asks a man with a nightstick who he's with and the man responds, "I'm security." The cameraman later says "I think it might be a little bit intimidating that you have a stick in your hand."

Rubin says local election rules state a person cannot be within 10 to 15 feet of the entrance to a polling place unless that person is voting, is a poll worker, or has a poll watcher certificate.

Rubin says anyone practicing voter intimidation outside that 10 to 15 foot perimeter could pose a public safety issue and would be handled by the police.

Cathie Abookire, a spokeswoman for the Philadelphia District Attorney's office, says the office is not investigating the matter, calling it a "non-incident." Abookire says, "We have had no complaints from any voters that they have been intimidated.
They both did not hang around all day. The police were called. The armed thug was asked to leave and he did. The other had a poll watcher certificate and stayed. No one was physically harmed and no voter complained of intimidation so the DA called it a 'non-incident.'

The DA says it was a 'non-incident.' The video speaks for itself.
I agree completely. More sensational bullshit. Too bad it's over and don't mean shit. Some people always have to have some drama to become histerical about.
Sensational would be nonstop coverage of this event everywhere in order to gin up a popular response.

Nobody has become hysterical. The Democrats prevailed. You don't see anyone disputing the results of the election.

You want to see a hysterical reaction? As I said previously, replace the two Black Panther wannabees with skinhead wannabees, one with a baseball bat, under the exact same circumstances. Then you would see your hysterical reaction and sensational coverage, regardless of the election results.

The denial in the above listed posts is palpable.

Regardless of one's political leanings, this event should be disturbing. I brought the incident up in the first place to make a point, but the current comments on the event are centered around an attempt to diminish the significance or deny it took place.


Well-Known Member
if a some "thug" or "goon" tried to intimidate into voting 4 a certain person, i would have to show them how a real g does it, i'd back the guy with the knightstick to put it dwn down, tell him to to either get in line or leave and if he tries to swing i'd have a straight left in he's face so fast he wont be able to spell black panthers
get some originality

get your own sig

everyone knows i started this shit:-o

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Did you read the story? Based on your comments and questions, it is painfully obvious you did not. I posted the link previously, but here it is in its entireity.

They both did not hang around all day. The police were called. The armed thug was asked to leave and he did. The other had a poll watcher certificate and stayed. No one was physically harmed and no voter complained of intimidation so the DA called it a 'non-incident.'

The DA says it was a 'non-incident.' The video speaks for itself.

Sensational would be nonstop coverage of this event everywhere in order to gin up a popular response.

Nobody has become hysterical. The Democrats prevailed. You don't see anyone disputing the results of the election.

You want to see a hysterical reaction? As I said previously, replace the two Black Panther wannabees with skinhead wannabees, one with a baseball bat, under the exact same circumstances. Then you would see your hysterical reaction and sensational coverage, regardless of the election results.

The denial in the above listed posts is palpable.

Regardless of one's political leanings, this event should be disturbing. I brought the incident up in the first place to make a point, but the current comments on the event are centered around an attempt to diminish the significance or deny it took place.

I got a bag of hairs I am gonna send over to your house.. you seem to be really good at splitting them..


New Member
Hey garden knowm i bought all 3 dvds you have there and was wondering i don't see them flush the plants 1350 ppm wont effect taste or burning wrong?


New Member
We have had no complaints from any voters that they have been intimidated

So what is the gripe here? No voters were intimidated so what is the problem?