co2 and heat


Active Member
hey there, I've got a smallish room, 8x8x7 with a 1000w cooltube HPS and i wanted to use co2.

How would i use the co2, while at the same time venting the air and scrubbing the exhaust so my house isn't smelly?

I'm just wondering how i wouldn't lose all my co2...



Well-Known Member
hey there, I've got a smallish room, 8x8x7 with a 1000w cooltube HPS and i wanted to use co2.

How would i use the co2, while at the same time venting the air and scrubbing the exhaust so my house isn't smelly?

I'm just wondering how i wouldn't lose all my co2...


For you to be able to do that you will need a thermastat system that reads the temp, humidity, and controls the exhaust fan and the co2 system. It will tell itself that it's too hot, so it will turn off your co2 valve, turn on the exhaust fan that is pulling through a carbon filter. Once the room temp is lowered, it will turn off the exhaust, and turn back on the co2. Count on spending some cash.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Seal up the room (no intake or exhaust) and just cool the want the CO2 ppm to remain stable.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I use smoldering charcoal to produce co2. In the commercial ops they use propane. The co2 has to be applied only when the lights are on and the growroom has to be vented with fresh oxygenated air prior to the light going out. I flush my moms air into the op and the op air into my motheroom. My mothers will constantly be producing oxygen. Potplants consume co2 when the lights are on, o2 when the lights are off. Never create a vacuum in your growroom when using ventilation.


Well-Known Member
I use smoldering charcoal to produce co2. In the commercial ops they use propane. The co2 has to be applied only when the lights are on and the growroom has to be vented with fresh oxygenated air prior to the light going out. I flush my moms air into the op and the op air into my motheroom. My mothers will constantly be producing oxygen. Potplants consume co2 when the lights are on, o2 when the lights are off. Never create a vacuum in your growroom when using ventilation.
Bird you keep saying in different threads to never create a vacum in your growroom....... and i keep asking;why do you say that? I would like to know your reasoning?


Well-Known Member
my room is WWWAAAYYYY too small not to run a blower 24/7 with the light i have...
Who said anything about NOT running a blower with the light? Having aircooled lamps is stating the obvious. You asked how to control the heat, and not lose all your I told you. Re-read my post, it's pretty easy to understand. Your only other option is to do like I do and run a sealed room. I have an AC that is dual hose, and use that to control temps. I air cool the lights completly seperatly from the other gear, and have a carbon filter that just re-circulates the air in the room. I use bottled co2 in the summer, and a burner in the winter. I have 3 1000's in there too. The co2 computer controls the PPM of that, and the AC takes care of itself. I also have to run a dehumidifier in there to keep the humidity at 50% or less.

As stated by another, you can't just seal up a room without a cooling device, or it will be 120 degrees in there in 20 minutes.
I have two of the same sized rooms as you and i use air cooled hoods as well. My rooms are both sealed off except the the thousand watt in my flower room pulls heat out of one side of the hood. even with the room pulling like 500cfm with a cheap home depot fan the Co2 levels stay at just over 1500 ppm in both rooms, and i'm only pushing 1 square foot and hour out of the tank. I also circulate all of the air once a day to make sure to get all new fresh air in. Just pump the heat from the light out and it should keep it right around where you want it. just be prepared to open it up and circulate more if it does get a little warm. my 600 in the veg room is just suspended with no fan pulling the heat out so i have to circulate occasionally. You'll be suprised how much Co2 sticks around in the room. You'll probably need to do a closed system, so a intake and exhaust fan to pull the heat out of the tube, which will means you'll use even less co2. I'd also think about a simple ventilation system to replace the air in the room too though. And ya a climate controller is very helpful, if it's in your budget. just make sure to keep and eye on your temp and humidity. 70-80 f. and 40-70% humidity is fine.

good luck man.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Bird you keep saying in different threads to never create a vacum in your growroom....... and i keep asking;why do you say that? I would like to know your reasoning?

I keep hearing exhaust fans but no intake fans. Fertilizer reactance changes with atmospheric pressure. A mix that works great in Victoria BC will kill plants growing high in the Rocky mountains. Nitrogen desipitates faster with less air pressure. H2o2 is part of the intermix formula for the Centauri second stage. Anymore questions? When you come around the corner to my place it goes from summer to winter.


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing exhaust fans but no intake fans. Fertilizer reactance changes with atmospheric pressure. A mix that works great in Victoria BC will kill plants growing high in the Rocky mountains. Nitrogen desipitates faster with less air pressure. H2o2 is part of the intermix formula for the Centauri second stage. Anymore questions? When you come around the corner to my place it goes from summer to winter.
I have never heard that before but it sounds like you might know what you are talking about. I have grown indoors in the kootenays, calgary, edmonton and the okanagan and have always had negative pressure. I have also always had healthy and good quality plants, IMO is is more important to maintain negative pressure to keep the odor controlled then the plausible minor problem of "nitrogen desipation". Make sure that when you give people advice they understand the other issues this would create, (odor leak big time)

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
if you dont have neg pressure how does the smell stay in the room. thats why we use neg pressure. id like to see the science on that nute deal and your atmosphere pressure. as someone that works for a nute co ive never heard that

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
if you dont have neg pressure how does the smell stay in the room. thats why we use neg pressure. id like to see the science on that nute deal and your atmosphere pressure. as someone that works for a nute co ive never heard that
I was on here with an electrician who didn't believe that I could run 3000w/of/hps on a peice of 12/2 wiring. He found out he was incorrect and it can in fact be done and also have a 100% safety factor. We'll all have to go deep sea diving sometime and I'll take the decrompression chamber and since you two cannot comprehend or refuse to understand you can skip the decompresion chamber. Nitrogen bubbles will form inside the plant and cause serious damage unless of course you don't use fertilizer. I believe and know it's true that your plants will do better in a richer atmosphere. Now I fully understand why people drive for hours, spend a fortune on gas and pay $1000 plus for a qp.


Well-Known Member
I was on here with an electrician who didn't believe that I could run 3000w/of/hps on a peice of 12/2 wiring. He found out he was incorrect and it can in fact be done and also have 100% safety factor. We'll all have to go deep sea diving sometime and I'll take the decrompression chamber and since you two cannot comprehend or refuse to understand you can skip the decompresion chamber. Nitrogen bubbles will form inside the plant and cause serious damage unless of course you don't use fertilizer. I believe and know it's true that your plants will do better in a richer atmosphere. Now I fully understand why people drive for hours, spend a fortune on gas and pay $1000 plus for a qp.
Hey dude, no need to get your panties all in a knot. I was just asking why this was important to you and what my experience tells me.
Obviously smell is not a concern for you. If that was an option for me then i would try a grow with equal or positive pressure. I'm always looking for new ideas and ways to produce a better product.
Not sure where you are from but here in BC you dont need to spend $1000 a qp for some of the best smoke around.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Hey dude, no need to get your panties all in a knot. I was just asking why this was important to you and what my experience tells me.
Obviously smell is not a concern for you. If that was an option for me then i would try a grow with equal or positive pressure. I'm always looking for new ideas and ways to produce a better product.
Not sure where you are from but here in BC you dont need to spend $1000 a qp for some of the best smoke around.
45 minutes down the street it's 400-600/qp. I have always dream't about back to back 12/12hr ops to feed each other the correct gases. Final answer.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well the little amount of actual pressure we obtain in a room as we are talking about is a world away form deep sea pressure. i actualy made a call today to my bio chemist about this and he had to laugh at me for even askin this. the pressure does shit all to the food uptake. and there is more to food uptake than that 1 way of them getting it into the roots. so if by some fluke it did effect the pressure there are 3 other ways for foo0ds to enter a roots system.

and we dont have a root sytem to be even a comparrison here to humans food intakes. im not disputing the enriched room makes more and fastr growth but we need the neg to keep smells in. and isnt anywhere near the amount of pressure under water. we would be sucking the walls of the room in at that level.

and to tell someone using 2 wire on that is nuts, your putting peoples lives at risk. sure it will light but i wont agree its totasly 100% safe. show that to the inpector when he comes. he`d shut ya down in a second