Co2- Bad 4 your health???


Well-Known Member
Okay- Ive heard that too much co2 can resukt in brain damage or even worse--

I have a grow room and I MUST keep the door open always- if I have 5 homemade co2 things, with the open door- is that bad or is it not near enough to harm someone???

I woke up with a killer headache today- thats why Im asking

thanks to all in advance- GraF


your fine... even if you were to lock yourself in that closet... the co2 generators and you still wouldn't be too much for your plants... they'll convert it back to O2... your straight


yeah... and i'm saying that his homemade co2 generators aren't producing enough to do anything to him...


especially when that co2 is being used up by the plants and dissapated into the room... its not going to be enough to do any harm