Co2 Boost?


Active Member
I've not tried it personally but I've read about systems like the one you refer to and they've got reasonable reviews. Not quite the revolution in indoor growing you might hope for but they certainly do speed things up a little.

Fairly costly though, but it seems to be a much safer option than some of the first CO2 generation systems.


Active Member
this was posted in july. any new news on this? Anyone have personal experisnce with it? I would like to use it, but would love to hear if it's worth it or not.


Active Member
now i havn't personally used this yet, i bought the system but im waiting till i weed out males before i start using it. iv seen the results though and im impressed!! very easy to use and safe..


Active Member
got a friend currently using co2 powder which can be disolved in water thinks it makes a huge differance jus make sure you all fans and maybe lights are turned off when using definately worth trying to go to that next level.


Well-Known Member
I started using this product but not sure what is the best way to use the bucket. If Im running the co2 boost I have to turn off the vortex fan so it doesnt suck all the co2 out. I read that its a waste to run at night because the plants only need the co2 when lights are on. When I turn the fan off though my temps get above 87. I dont know, when and how often to use the boost and not use my vortex??


Well-Known Member
okay its not pretty so i will throw in some sticky back plastic any colour you want and do them at 25 percent if you take 3 te he he sorry i will start being serious.


Well-Known Member
135 us, which is 60 pounds isnt it? i just did a diy for a couple of pounds, but maybe the proper 1 does loads, hmmmmm or not


Well-Known Member
the 1 i made or the shop 1, dont know about the 1 advertised but the 1 i made works ok on a small grow, i think so n e way. didnt cost much so .


Well-Known Member
CO-2 should bethe last thing u think about. U may think it is helping, but unless u are running everything else perfect u will be kidding urself. The money u save by not getting CO2 would be much better spent on extra lighting or stabalizing temps. If u think CO2 will help, try keeping the plant at a perfect 75*F daytime and 68* nightime. Ur plant will love u for it....
Thats just me tho, I know ur going to say "how can CO2 not help" and buy it anyways, so good luck...
:lol::-P:leaf: I'm trying to add CO2 to my opperation. I don't want to deal with CO2 generators because of heat etc. Tanks are spendy for me at this point. Got Some Excellofizz pucks and a CO2 boost bucket plugged in today. My environment is sealed exceprt for air circ. sealed through lights. CO2 is heavier than Oxygen and sinks I guess. I put the hose into my fan as they say to circulate CO2. I'm not so sure about the pucks. I'll let ya know. Good gardening!!
i tried the excellofizz pucks for a while and i was getting pretty good results but not great results, for the price I'm not sure it's worth it... i saved up some cash for a Co2 Reg and tank, I'm a lot happier with the tank because i can regulate the vent and the Co2 to work in unison. as for the price of refilling the tank, if you shop around you can find a gas supply company in your area that might refill your tank for a lot cheaper price than a grow shop. the buckets seem a little too expensive too.. i guess it's just personal preference.. the Co2 boost seems to be more bang for your buck, with a 90 day supply if properly used rather than the 50 day supply of excellofizz pucks, which only last about 8 hours...


Sector 5 Moderator
I realize this is an old thread but I was advised to buy one of these and I did. This is the biggest ripoff since Al Capone. I doubt it raises the CO2 level enough to even matter, much less do any good. It only lasts for 2 months, according to the company, but it's doubtful it will go that long. After that you have to buy another pile of rotting wood chips or whatever that is - and all for only $99 for the refill. Don't waste your money on this garbage.