Co2 for 4x8

i run co2 in a 4x4 tent with exhaust. surprisingly, ambient co2 levels were at 800 when i first plugged the controller in. tent is in spare bedroom where i also work on computer most of the day. 1300 is where im running at now, not much higher than ambient in that room. not concerned. controller set to alarm and shutoff at 2000.

at 2500 we would feel tired or sluggish but not in danger of anything. this can occur in a room full of people, hence fresh air being such a relief.
at 5000 we would be in danger and need more oxygen
Had a question if I have a 5by5 and want to add a 3by3 and since I have 340cfm inline and want to connect the 2 tents what are all your thoughts about adding exhale bags in the 3by3 and since the vent to go into the 5by5 will be up high above canopy and hope it will fill the 3by3 when that air gets sucked into the 5by5 will that tent benefit
Any recommendations for a Co2 setup for 4x8 tent
I have a 4x8 tent too, its setup in my garage which is reasonably air tight. so i just raise the ppm for the whole garage, which is not the MOST efficient method, but i had to do something to combat the heat wave we got hit with in june and my AC unit was NOT cutting it this year due to running another light.
I found a water cooled CO2 generator ((which was lucky of me because theyve been discontinued for many years)its basically a portable tankless water heater) that i had to wire up a solenoid to. I run a hose from a hose bib in my boiler room and it drains to the drain of my water heater. I control the ppm with an Inkbird programable co2 controller keeping the sensor in the tent itself. Doing this allows me to keep my intake/exhaust fans running all the time

Just a for-warning though, CO2 WILL attract mosquitos. Theyve invaded my garage to an unbearable extent.

also, if you DO go with a CO2 generator, make sure you invest in a carbon monoxide alarm for your grow space, just in case ;) the chances of actually producing CO are fairly slim, but shit does happen and its good to be prepared. I check my alarm multiple times a day and i havnt even had it register 1 single ppm since i started using it, i even keep the detector about 6 feet away from the generator.
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