co2 ? from the pros at roll it up

ive grown for a long time indoor and out... but in the last 5 years mainly indoor ? is i really want to start using co2 and im sorda familiar but i would like to know what i need to have a basic co2 setup.. and roughly how much$ am i looking at i know 1500 is optimal.ppm.... but what about heat if i shut down fans any room is 9/9-9 ...and how long would you release the co2 for ... and would you vent after with fresh air in old air out... and what temps are acceptable using co2 i heard in the high 80s low90s where ok ...:?:???::?: please help pros i appreciated it.


Well-Known Member
In terms of potential costs, what type of system are you looking at - pressurized, generator, etc.?