CO2 generator eats Oxygen


Active Member
Is it bad that a CO2 generator eats a lot of oxygen? My fans don't need to run lately as it is very cold which is good as I like to keep the ppm of CO2 at around 1500. What happens when the oxygen is all gone besides my generator not lighting because of lack of oxygen? Will the plants always produce enough oxygen to offset the amount burned to replace the CO2?


Well-Known Member
Dude,if your CO2 generator "eats" enough oxygen to put itself out,you have way more than 1500 ppm of co2. it would be a health hazard for yourself & probably the plants as well. can you put it on a timer??


Active Member
Thank you for replying. Sorry to wast your time not my intention. It was a random thought that came to mind and I guess I started thinking out loud. I'll try to better restrain myself in the future. Sorry again and thank you for your reply.