CO2 levels in your house and using bedrooms as lung rooms.


Well-Known Member
For me, security is always an utmost concern. You don't want anyone to know what you are doing even if you are legal and no one cares, right? So ultimately, the idea is to keep it hidden and keep it safe. Fake walls, hidden rooms, converted closets, stealth cabs, ect. Even if you don't hide it, you can still use the next room over as a lung room.

In small grows, there isn't room for CO2 equipment and many people grow in their bedrooms or bedroom walk in closets. A few months ago I plugged my controller into a socket in my bedroom with nothing hooked up just to monitor the ambient co2 levels. This test was with two adults without outside air circulating. A window unit air conditioner and dehumidifier were also being used, as well as a ceiling fan to circulate.

While occupied, the bedroom levels stayed around 1000(+/-) and stayed higher than ambient (5-600 I believe) all through the day without any plants in the loop.

Experimenting with plants shows that the levels don't lower by much with a 600w in use, if you lights on around your bed time and lights off a few hours after then the CO2 levels stay pretty high, but the plants tend to lower the co2 levels in the room before lights out.

This gives you a higher oxygen level while you sleep as well as enriching the grow. I have read that people emit about 900 grams of CO2 per day. One would assume that 2-300 would be while sleeping. A half pound of CO2 per day is enough to run a decent sized grow. I might be off on these numbers since I just skimmed articles and charts for them.

Is there anyone who has a CO2 controller who can test their bedroom CO2 levels and confirm if this is a normal level?

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?