CO2 levels in your house.


Well-Known Member
I haven't grown in a couple years. I saw my CO2 controller the other day, and I decided to check my bedroom CO2 levels.

What I found was sort of surprising. It changes my views about CO2 injection somewhat.

At night, I close the doors and only condition the room that I am sleeping in to save energy. I checked the CO2 of my house before going to bed. It was almost 800 ppm. Not that surprising really. I knew indoor levels were naturally higher.

When I woke up the next morning, the CO2 levels were almost 1800 ppm. I decided that wasn't acceptable to me. So I opened up the room and ran the central unit. I only dropped to around 1700. This is with 2 adults occupying the house. I tried a couple different things over the course of a week.

Has anyone who has the equipment ever actually tested the CO2 levels in their house with and without a grow?

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
Your fine bro. People seriously over estimate the dangers of co2. YES, it CAN kill yu, but you'd need a good 100,000ppms for that. The maximum allowed co2 for an 8 hour working shift is 5,000 ppms. The bad stuff kicks in at around 20,000 ppms. If yur awake, and start feeling tired, nauseous, and have a headache, id be concerned.
FWIW My friend and I just transplanted our 8 flowering plants from 1 to 3 gallon pots. Co2 levels were at 2500 after about 30 min.

Sir KK
Your fine bro. People seriously over estimate the dangers of co2. YES, it CAN kill yu, but you'd need a good 100,000ppms for that. The maximum allowed co2 for an 8 hour working shift is 5,000 ppms. The bad stuff kicks in at around 20,000 ppms. If yur awake, and start feeling tired, nauseous, and have a headache, id be concerned.
FWIW My friend and I just transplanted our 8 flowering plants from 1 to 3 gallon pots. Co2 levels were at 2500 after about 30 min.

Sir KK

I also have a question on this subject. I have a tank for welding. But its 25% Carbin and 75% Argon. I know argon is is an inert gas but if I use it in my grow, will it hurt the plants? Or will it displace too much vital gas molecules the plant needs to photosynthesize?


Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
I also have a question on this subject. I have a tank for welding. But its 25% Carbin and 75% Argon. I know argon is is an inert gas but if I use it in my grow, will it hurt the plants? Or will it displace too much vital gas molecules the plant needs to photosynthesize?

Sorry bro. Im not the one to ask on something like that. I got my grow op sealed nice and tight. Filling it to the desired level of co2 using a propane co2 generator (gen 1-e), with a controller that montiors the levels and switches the gen on and off when needed. Been using the same 20lb tank for about 53 days now. Initial costs were high but dammmn no worries are a beautiful thing.

Sir KK


Well-Known Member
I wasn't worried about the CO2 levels, levels like those at my house aren't dangerous. However, they can cause headaches and some other issues. It isn't acceptable to me that the level be that high. I don't have to have levels that high. I could just grow lettuce or something. It isn't like I don't have the equipment.

I thought it was very interesting that the levels in my bedroom were above what I ran when I ran CO2 enrichment. I'm not sure exactly how much a plant uses, but it seems like a small grow would love the CO2 levels. What exactly would the point in CO2 enrichment be if the lung room is already over 1500?

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
What exactly would the point in CO2 enrichment be if the lung room is already over 1500?
Well, i assume yu wont be sleeping in the lung room. Co2 levels in your home are higher because yu live there. Its not necessarily a constant nor reliable source of co2 (depends how often yur home, windows open etc) Yu'd be better off jus spending some time with yo plants each day. 15 minutes and yo co2 levels will be much higher depending on grow room size and if sealed or not. Do that a few times a day and yu'll be coo. Otherwise, i don think yu cud lung yur own room to well/efficently using you as the co2 source unless, as i said, yu jus kick it in yur lung room. Co2 levels deplete quickly

... Actually. If yur lights were on while yu slept, yu cud lung yur room with a good filter inbetween. Might be loud. And yur room temps wud be yur grow temps lol.
Sir KK


Well-Known Member
I have a half dozen CO2 tanks, regulators, and a controller. I always used a Can33 even in tent grows. I don't grow anymore though. Most new growers struggle to keep temperatures down. I would assume most of them run their lights at night. Seems like using an occupied room as a lung room while you slept at night would be really close to using CO2 injection.
I have a half dozen CO2 tanks, regulators, and a controller. I always used a Can33 even in tent grows. I don't grow anymore though. Most new growers struggle to keep temperatures down. I would assume most of them run their lights at night. Seems like using an occupied room as a lung room while you slept at night would be really close to using CO2 injection.
Can you sned me one? your not using it right :) :bigjoint: