Co2 or another 1000w?


Hey Im in a situation. I have a 10x5 room with 2 1000w air cooled, the room is sealed with co2. I have an 8 inch 750 CFM fan sucking through the hoods, and with both lights on it stays between 85-90. Thats with no AC.

With my AC on I can have any temp I want, so I could add another 1000w and get rid of the co2, and then run temps at 77.

Or, stick with 2 1000w and co2. Or.. get another fan on the inline blowing, and maybe it would keep up with temps better?

What would you guys do? Btw if your wondering why I dont run co2 and the AC, it's because my AC sucks out the co2. I bought a dual hose portable AC that they assured me wouldn't suck out any co2, but low and behold it does.


I would stick with what you have and run the A/C. When your A/C is on it is also circulating the co2 from the other areas of the house. So really you shouldn't be wasting any at all more like prolly saving co2.


Ursus marijanus
Daang. i was gonna say BOTH!! Maybe I'd spend the money on getting a true split AC. That'd allow me to try both, singly or in tandem ... cn


Well-Known Member
hmmm. Ideally you keep the co2. But 90 is way too hot. For me co2 increased my yeilds by about 1/3.

co2 should drop, its heavier than air. so, if you can have all outgoing air at the top of the grow area.... it should leave the majority of the co2. Thats my theory anyways.

I would say keep the co2, but I never recomend going over 85 degrees. not good for growth. Sp ditch the co2 and run the ac, or figure out how to do both.


^^Yeah that's what I figured. For now I've been runnin the AC and 2k, keepin it at 78.

I have another idea though. Does anyone actually put one of the booster fans connected to an air cooled hood? Im thinkin of getting 2 6'' booster fans that are 250 CFM each when used to boost. I would put one at the beginning sucking in cold air from outside, and then put the other at the first light, so it's sucking what is coming from the first booster, then blowing it through the hoods, and have my 8'' sucking everything from the other end.

Think it will work? That would put me up to 1250 CFM then. Hopefully that will eliminate the heat from 3k.