Co2 overuse!

I had noticed on this site that there was some intrest in the overuse of co2, now as a keen gardener of these thing and already using yeast sugar and water , i also wanted to know this answer.
i searched and found this post to all who may be interested.

I personally do NOT use CO2, as using high concentrations of CO2 causes the plants to make nearly 50% LESS stomata

you WILL get slightly bigger, more robust plants with a higher than NATURAL co2 level, and they will finish faster,......

I'm sure others will start flaming about how CO2 is the next best thing since coco, or sliced bread, but I just do NOT see the advantage.

now i dont know if this is right but im gonna look more into this.:peace:


Well-Known Member
you can still get nice thick buds with no co2 as long as you have a good watt to plant ratio.
i used to do the sugar water yeast thing.
then i was using co2 in a can but now i need a new regulator, so my ladies are getting no co2.

i personally prefer it tho and think it gives the bud that "bag-appeal" that you want out of good bud.


Active Member
so if it stops you from getting stomata what's the problem, the co2 taken into the plant is the same at the end of the day, it's just the plant not putting extra energy into making more stomata... as far as i can see it'd shorten the growth time because you don't need to grow as much, what's wrong with that? :/