CO2 question..

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
It all depends on how many plants, how much air flow is pulled in and out of the room, etc.

If you cant buy a controller, I would suggest going to the grow store and buying one of the syringe test kits with a bunch of the test tubes. You will prolly have to do lots of tests to ensure the adequate amount of Co2 is being released.


Well-Known Member
my lights are air cooled and the room is completly sealed with panda film.. temps are 84 and 30 plants. crappy pic but gives an idea
the vertical kw is for heat. the other lights are connected and vented.. think two bottles will get me through 7 weeks?
ppm 900
ph 5.8
ebb and gro serious ak


Mikey moto

Grow room area: 800 cubic feet
Amount of CO2 required: 0.96 cubic feet
On time: 57.6 minutes

At this flow rate:
If you are using a 20 pound CO2 bottle with a regulator, it will last 174.8 hours.

Mikey moto

yes if you what tight heavy buds at least during there bud cycle do it in. In Colorado its $7 to rent the bottle for the mouth and under $20 to fill great investment