CO2 release method


Well-Known Member
So i read the Co2 calculator... and my Co2 method is going to be a little more unconventional. I was recently down in my basement where I found a 15 gal c02 tank thats full. Its just the tank, nothing more. I figure to release it Ill just give a burst into the grow room. My question is, how often should I add co2, and how long of a burst should I do? I dont have a PPM reader, nor do I have the means to purchase one. Hell, I dont even have a ph meter (but im getting one soon).

Any advice would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Also, my plants are in early veg right now. Would I be better off to wait until theyre flowering to use the co2?

And my room is a crawl space in an attic, im only using a small area of it. Its like 4ft wide by 5ft high by 15ft long. Will the C02 completely disperse in the room, making it pointless to release?


Well-Known Member
You'll get the most benefit from CO2 supplementation by using it during the flowering phase. And then only use it when the lights are on. Without a regulator and proper metering equipment, I have no idea how long you should keep the valve open. Generally, the air in a well-ventilated room has a CO2 concentration of about 300ppm. With supplementation, you want to increase that up to about 1500ppm. But again, without a meter, regulator, and controller this is a totally hip-shot scenario.


Well-Known Member
Well Senior I dont think people replied back cause they wanna say something that could give a bad outcome (health reasons IMO) keep in mind you breathe o2 not Co2, being in a room while spraying it with Co2 wouldn't be the best idea, cough up $80 go on ebay and get a regulator kit for it. Or just make some home made Co2.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I guess Ill just "wing it" when that time comes.

If i need to increase the amount of C02 in the air by 5x, it would be relatively difficult to put TOO much in, so I should be safe with like a burst a day.


Well-Known Member
Just popping open a CO2 bottle every once in a while will work. But its ALL guess work. Pressure and flow rate matter as do the room and plant size.

And a 15gal bottle? Not too likely. 10LB 20LB makes more sense.

CO2 sold be used while lights are on only.
CO2 *should* be regulated/controlled to 1500ppm

A few quick blasts during the day will help, but........
And if you are going to do that, at least get a pressure regulator. Dumping the CO2 out at near 900psi, makes it even more uncontrollable.

You could also go get a bag of balloons and poke a pin hole in it before filling it up. Put that in the room to slowly release the CO2. Do that a few times a day.

But a solenoid vave controlled by a ppm meter is the best route.

(CO2 is the last thing one should add to a grow. Get a few successful grows down first to see if the CO2 makes a diff)