co2 when?????

420 couple

When is the best time to use co2 and how much for a 4x8. What do you think about the co2 pucks work or not???? How about the fan?? Starting our 4th week of flowering veganic. Kushberry and Super lemon haze.jims 007.jpgjims 009.jpgjims 011.jpgjims 019.jpg



i jus researched and came across 1500ppm hope that helps, they saying to turn off co2 during final weeks as it may lower potency... MAY...idk

420 couple

Using full CO2 puck,figured my 6 " vortek fan will suck most of it thru,I also flipped super lumens on lol and try to keep it below 75f very tricky, I also covered the fresh air intakes using black big o pipe thru my 6" outlets no light gets thru peace happy growing


Active Member
Under indoor growing there is a CO2 calculator there you may want to take a look at as well. It may help answer some questions for you.


Active Member
I think building it up week by week threw veg and peak flower then tapering down is a really good way to do it. Lots of co2 in the final few weeks can give you fluffy nugs. I don't know about you but, I like dense one's. Try starting at 500 ppm 2 weeks into veg then build up to 1300-1500 then taper down. I would like final weeks at like 400-600 ppm.