Co2 ?


Well-Known Member
Not sure how much they charge, but if ur from canada , canadian tire does it, atleast where I live anyway.. I THINK , not sure, but I THINK homedepot where I live does it aswell.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how much they charge, but if ur from canada , canadian tire does it, atleast where I live anyway.. I THINK , not sure, but I THINK homedepot where I live does it aswell.
What? Refill Co2 tanks?

I don't live in CA, but have been there a bunch. I *seriously* doubt CT refills 20lbs or 50 lbs (welding size) CO2 tanks. Now 20 oz (paint ball size), I can buy. Filling a 20lb tanks is a swap, not a refill. CT or HD won't do it on site.


Well-Known Member
What? Refill Co2 tanks?

I don't live in CA, but have been there a bunch. I *seriously* doubt CT refills 20lbs or 50 lbs (welding size) CO2 tanks. Now 20 oz (paint ball size), I can buy. Filling a 20lb tanks is a swap, not a refill. CT or HD won't do it on site.
i didnt think it did either, but I was there the other day, and it said "Co2 refill station" on a sign in the back. Im sure if they could fill even the smallest tank like a paintball gun, they could also fill a large tank.


Well-Known Member
So if I had a sealed/vented grow room of size 4ft x 3 ft and 6 ft tall. The calc say I have 72 cubit ft, and at a setting of 1 CFH for 5.184 minutes. It says a 20lb tank would last me 174.8 hours. Does that mean 174.8 x 60(min/hr) = 10488 minutes of use? So I would be able to get 2023 (5.184 min) cycles. How often do you cycle, if 8 times a day, a 20 lb tank would last me 253 days?

Can someone check my math, it just doesnt seem right?


Well-Known Member
So if I had a sealed/vented grow room of size 4ft x 3 ft and 6 ft tall. The calc say I have 72 cubit ft, and at a setting of 1 CFH for 5.184 minutes. It says a 20lb tank would last me 174.8 hours. Does that mean 174.8 x 60(min/hr) = 10488 minutes of use? So I would be able to get 2023 (5.184 min) cycles. How often do you cycle, if 8 times a day, a 20 lb tank would last me 253 days?

Can someone check my math, it just doesnt seem right?
Did you use this caculator?

Try changing the ppm and recalcualting--the "at this flow rate" results never change on how long the tank will actually last. The on time and space calculation should be correct.... You just need to find out how long the tank would REALLY last at that CFH setting, then do the math...


Well-Known Member
LP tanks can be filled up at almost any gas station for around 20 bucks..right up the street....a co2 generator for a room will be way cheaper to operate than a tank...and easier to get the can be put on a timer..along with room ventilation ..or just seal the room and install a co2 controller/ monitor


Well-Known Member
I would go with a tank. I have a burner and yeah it sounds great, but it's not unless you have a HUGE grow area. They put out way too much heat and moisture! You are almost guaranteed to need AC for the summer and possibly a dehumidifier. All of these problems are eliminated with a tank.


Well-Known Member
hey there are some good deals on craigslist for tanks as well if you are looking
Really? I will have to check it out... I am seriously considering replacing my cap gen-1 burner for a tank and regulator.

I imagine it costs a pretty penny to have a tank shipped?

edit: oops I was thinking ebay.. guess you wouldn't ship from craigslist. worth checking into!


Well-Known Member
Really? I will have to check it out... I am seriously considering replacing my cap gen-1 burner for a tank and regulator.

I imagine it costs a pretty penny to have a tank shipped?

edit: oops I was thinking ebay.. guess you wouldn't ship from craigslist. worth checking into!
ya depending on your area there is a lot of good stuff on there for pickup.