Coal miners ask Obama to stop ‘absolute lies’


Well-Known Member
Why do you want to take us back to the bad days? Yes I did blame Bush and the democrat congress. Now I blame Obama. He has done nothing to help the middle class with gas prices. How about moving "Forward" with lower taxes, less regulation, and less excuses. You are desperately avoiding my question. Why would companies refine gas here if they can sell crude oil faster and for more profit over seas?

Taxes are lower than they have been in 50 years - and look at the mess. Your presecription almost killed the patient and yet you continue to prescribe the same faulty formulation. Less regulation helped cause the financial crisis and less taxes helped increase our debt and deficit.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Oh fucking please. California is the only state which doesn't allow out of state refined oil gas. This places supply issues no other state has. So saying government isn't raising gas prices is utter lies. Moonbeam Brown is our fucking savior by waving it.