Coalition Oversight-Audit Application into Coalition Finances


Well-Known Member
Don't want to get too much into mud slinging here but in regards to all of this, it's hard to deny there's more than a few 'pot stars' who used their MMAR in a childish manner while telling the world how they had a 'federal exemption'. Which is fine, morally I think it's shitty and put the rest of the patients (or 'legit' patients if you want to look at it that way) under a microscope.

However, I think all people really want beyond the rhetoric is some transparency here. If Wilcox / others went to Jamaica etc on their own money? Great, good for them. If it was on coalition money? That's no different than MP's booking a vacation to aruba on taxpayer money.

I always wondered why the coalition didn't set up a Patreon / kickstarter / whatever. It's a far more accessible crowdfunding platform than paypal + lockboxes + send money to Conroy's office.


Well-Known Member
Its pretty simple to me. If you are saying donation are for the case then that is what they are for. If you don't mention to anyone that the money will be used to support the day to day activities of the coalition and its members to fly around Canada and the world that that is BS.

if from the beginning they stated say 20% of the collected funds will be used for coalition matters not relating to the case and people still donated so be it I have no problem with that.


Well-Known Member
Fucken scumbag threatening something we already have no control over. "If we lose Allard, Conroy walks, no appeal." Then later he states they have $$ "ear marked"(his exact words) for an appeal. Seems he can't keep his stories straight.
he doesn't get much straight....