The following is a post from Wilcox via his proxy and administrator Alison Myrden, former prison guard and shameless professional self-promoter who took possession of one of Wilcox's infamous lock boxes and failed to account for or return its contents. In his latest attempt at financial disclosure, Wilcox claims that he (the Coalition) is
$400K in debt and that funding has all but dried up...this is a statement of 'insolvency' which precludes bankruptcy. Wilcox shall be liable for this debt along with Myrden and the rest of his so-called fund raisers and supporters. Wilcox and Myrden should provide an
aged accounts payable analysis along with the claim that they owe $400K and not simply beg for more money without any accountability of past funds raised and wildly spent.on inefficient lawyers, first class travel and expensive hotels with fine dining facilities. Why did Wilcox not pay off this debt instead of handing over funds to Tousaw for his extraction action or handing of $1K to Aaron Bott for the defence of MACROS a unregulated private enterprise that is illegal under the law at the present time. Why not use these funds to file an appeal or start over with a new lawyer and fight continue to fight for the patient's right to self-produce or designate the production of organically grown strain specific medicinal cannabis without fear of discrimination, stigmatization or selective prosecution.
> 9 hrs ·- Jan 3, 2016
> Bad News from Jason Wilcox and the MMAR Coalition Against Repeal Group (Now known as "the Cannabis Rights Coalition").
> "Come join the thousands who set an Injunction in play here in Canada, sued the government for 40 million + and put them on trial for attempting to take our home personal cannabis gardens away from us for GOOD.
> To date we have raised $300,000, however as our Legal Advisor John Conroy QC noted, we have almost $400,000 in unpaid bills. In addition should we win or lose in Allard, the cost to fight an appeal is simply not there.
> The question came up of how we plan to fund the appeal in the case of a loss or even a loss?
> If we win we do not have the funds to fight what we feel would be sound appeal should it go that direction when the decision is handed down. The cost of the appeal could hit $100,000 as were also still working on expanding the injunction again in the case of a win in Alalrd.
> So win or loose we do not have the funds for appeal need be paid by us. If we win and appeal Mr. Conroy would get the majority back after all legal affairs in Allard commenced. All said I fear that lack of fundraising and efforts to disrupt the efforts of the Coalition has only led to out lead attorney potentially having to walk from Allard in the case of a loss.
> On the positive the Coalition
> 1. Secured an Injunction
> 2. Secured the appeal of the Injunction
> 3. Put the government on trial over parts of the MMPR
> 4. Sued the government for 40 million - 110 million dollar lawsuit
> The Coalition has proved to 4 federal judges so far that no Fire, Mold, or Organized crime was associated with medical home gardens hence the standing Injunction that'a in place. An Injunction is a fancy word for a "restraining order".
> As we move forward into 2016 our focus need remain of core historical legal battles such as Allard and R v Smith.
> In R v Smith we are waiting on the government to legislate what an extraction is legally?
> Till then all medically approved patients have a s.56 exemption from the CDSA thus you CANNOT be charged for having an extraction!
> It will remain this way until the goverment legislates R v Smith."
> Onward.
> We will NEVER give up.
> Respectfully,
> Alison Myrden
> Federal Medical Cannabis Exemptee in Canada since 1994
Retired Law Enforcement Officer
> Speaker for LEAP Since 2004
> Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
> Speaker for LPP
> Lawmen Protecting Patients
> Canadian Patient Representative for the IACM
> International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines
> Bonn, Germany
> Alison Myrden is part of the marijuana majority. Are you?
> MMAR Coalition against Repeal Lawsuit in Canada
> NDP Candidate for Oakville, Ontario 2004
> New Democratic Party of Canada