Coast of Maine Stonington blend!


Alright I'm growing autos an decided to go with an organic grow thus the coast of Maine products. I have seen on the back of the bag where it states that this soil will get you through a full grow start to finish. But that's also for a photo period plant an in a 10 or 15 gal pot. Me on the other hand I'm growing autos in a 2.5 gal pot. The bag states that in a five gal pot this soil gives enough food for 30 days with a photo period grow. Seeing as im in half the pot size I should have at least 15 days of food for the plant. My question to this is does it matter that she's not a photo an that she's an auto( does the 15 days of food still equal out for her being an auto an not a photo? Or is it less or more?) And has anyone ever used this soil for autos an if so how did you go about amending your soil cause I can't seem to find a break Down for feeding autos with this soil it only gives the suggestions for amending photos... Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!