This will be my first experience with led growing and am having a few issues and wanted to get some suggestions from other experienced led growers. I burned the crap out of my girls by having to much light over them, now i have to recommended 25 watts per square foot at about 22" over the canopy and am still seeing a little burning here and there. i have had some issues with this strain under 1000hps the same symptoms just not as bad as with led. I think this plant is more light sensitive than some others strains i have. The mothers are under 2x 5k cobs at 700ma and this mother is burning a little in the veg room as well and i have never had an issue with t5's in there. Everyone is in fox farms soil and ph is 6.5, ro water with calmag and ferts every second watering. Sorry i didnt want to post this in plant problems because i wanted the led guys to look at it and see what they think, thanks for any input.