COB vs QB or something else?!

Thanks man. What about my other rambling? I just need to know is the what i am suggesting OK or am I missing something. Like are the builds i suggested in the last 2 post possible? And if so is my calculation of about 230lm/W correct, bcs that's pretty dope and I am afraid that I made a mistake somewhere.
If you get the boards onto some baacking aluminium sheet, 3mm for example, they will handle temps much better.

On calculations: when dealing with the china crowd we can never be a 100% on the diodes which makes these calculations less relevant. Good enough, yes, but they wont be as good as original hlgs. The point for me is: does running 2 half priced aliqbs at 50% give you bbetter lightinng than 1 hlg qb at 100%? I believe so.

On those boards in the link: they use epis for red, i think youre better of with white diodes than epileds. Id suggest inquire about 288 boards in 3000k 90 cri, they used to have them at a lower price than this board i think its a better spectrum.
Does anyone have general experience on how far can you run boards without heat sinks? Does it depend only on the chip or on the board as a whole?
And about the board I posted previously, could I wire 4 of them in series and run them at 1050mA (which would be LM301H nominal current of 65mA if I calculated correctly) with HLG-185-C1050. Asking bcs i might be able to get those drivers used pretty cheap.
I think 4 x Kingbrite 288s should fit the MW185h 1050a.
The boards are ~47v @ 1050mA so 47v x 4 = 188v.
The driver is 190v max plus a wee bit.
Better option are the CV drivers 185h 48A
Thank you @Moflow.
I was also thinking about HLG-185H-48 but a friend maybe has a few of the 1050As laying around. This build by far looks like the most efficient one to me but i am scared of running them without heat sinks. All in all looks much better to me thank COBs, but i may be mistaken.