Looking to add far-deep (660-730nm) red strips/boards to my setup, what to buy?

@getogrow, I'm using 6 x 660nmSamung LH351H Deep Red (660 nm) to 2 x 730nmCree XPG3 - 3:1 - on 2ft strips with 120 3000K Samsung lm301b white diodes, they are from Diyleduk, so they are on permanently when lights are on.
Not sure on the correct ratio though but wouldn't wanna run too much far red due it causing unwanted stretch.
Got a link for what you're using?
Got a link for what you're using?
Im not sure if @diyled stocks them anymore.....? I've had them for about a year now. V2 Scopes theyre called. Maybe he'll chip in.
Here's his website
What about the red to far red ratio?
Maybe I'm not reading the above correctly but I see the qb20 has 20 diodes total, 10 x 660nm and 10 x 730nm.
A ratio of 1 to 1. Seems a lot of far red to me.
Yeah i checked their lights out and their mixed QB20 strips have 10x of both.
@getogrow, I'm using 6 x 660nmSamung LH351H Deep Red (660 nm) to 2 x 730nmCree XPG3 - 3:1 - on 2ft strips with 120 3000K Samsung lm301b white diodes, they are from Diyleduk, so they are on permanently when lights are on.
Not sure on the correct ratio though but wouldn't wanna run too much far red due it causing unwanted stretch.
I'd like to know what would be a good ratio too, ofc i could mix different strips together too. Not sure if they would create custom strips just for one guy if i went to ask, i would imagine they would ask lots of extra cash for them.
Look at HLG's ratio to enhance wh/ on there supplemental 60w bars as a reference. Those x2 bars added to 375w of well spread 3k, qb has made a huge difference in bud size, finishing time & color.
Then get the same thing from Alibaba if it's worth the savings to you. I don't feel it is but I've never done it.
@getogrow, I'm using 6 x 660nmSamung LH351H Deep Red (660 nm) to 2 x 730nmCree XPG3 - 3:1 - on 2ft strips with 120 3000K Samsung lm301b white diodes, they are from Diyleduk, so they are on permanently when lights are on.
Not sure on the correct ratio though but wouldn't wanna run too much far red due it causing unwanted stretch.
Cree dont make far red in XPG-3, these would be XPE-2 Far Red