Coca Cola Compost Booster!


i read online last night that a bottle of flat Coca-Cola (or fizzy, it doesn't matter;-)) will boost the sugar content of your compost pile and enhance microbial activity. if you know any more good ingredients for the compost pile, post em here.


Well-Known Member
Age old Mole-Asses!

I would think any Sugar would help feed the critters.

That's why I think changing water ph with natural things (Like Lemon juice for acid) would be a benefit for soil growers.


Active Member
As dude above said mollasses, it feeds the microorganisms in the soil, its also cheaper than coke,
4 dollar bottle of mollasses last you 2 years probably, 1 tbls per gallon of water once a week,


Well-Known Member
Yea, that too. But remember, that if you happen to have a flat bottle of coke sitting around that you will throw away anyhow, use it!

Also, I think molasses also has some trace elements as well? Someone may have to correct me on this.


Age old Mole-Asses!

I would think any Sugar would help feed the critters.

That's why I think changing water ph with natural things (Like Lemon juice for acid) would be a benefit for soil growers.
yeah, i've also heard about adding milk and eggshells for proteins.

Sailor Jerry

Well-Known Member
I bought a gallon of molasses at Sams Club for 11 dollars. It should last me a while.

meanwhile a quart of technaflora sugar daddy is 25 bucks and only lasts a month at best. . lol.


Active Member
i wouldnt trust my crop to a major corporation of fat and sugar. compost pile is the cheapest youll find(as someone said) just no meats or fats. get earthworms for your organic vegatation compost. mollasses is good as well.


Other than the huge sucrose content there is one nutrient that may be of benefit - Phosphoric acid. Obviously contains phosphorus and could lower pH in your soil, but no idea on how beneficial it might actually be... I clean engine components with flat coke - hence I wouldn't think it counts as 'organic'.