Well-Known Member
Free coke is deff dangerous...especially if its good. I've never goten hooked, but I did my fair share back in college. I could get a ball for 60 bucks from a dealer friend. I stoped doing so much when I went over to dudes house and he had duct tape all over him and he said he had just been taped up at gunpoint and robbed and pistol whipped. That was enough for me...I coulda been there 20 min. earlier and been in a very bad situation
Thats classic! We had a friend come over with 2 8balls one night, and we watched him do 1 all to him self, but when he was leaving, he was freakin! Saying we stole his ball! Three hours he held us hostage in my apartment saying wwe stole from him! That was enough for me to not really get into it that much!