Cocaine purity test at home

It’s called a FRIENDLY chat ol chap come on bro can have wi chat LOL thanks oh nearly forgot ( how high could gelato Indica Dom weed grow ) :cool:
Brand name doesn't really matter
I usually use blue or light green color
And after you heat it up all you look for is if the color is mixing or just roll off ( floats)
Yes unfortunately I use 2-3 gram daily
But try to keep it 4 days per week as right now
I used to do it every day 365 day/year
But i guess am not strong in off just to quit it so since the past 5month I been cutting it off slowly
I don't have much of a personal support so it's all me( or I maybe just afraid to ask for help)but i set a goal by my 30th birthday I will be clear and won't use it
It's 5 month away and I will be reaching it I had rough 2019 ( reason I start it I know it's not makes it easier) but it's something to cover it
Trust me as hard as to believe it I will turn my self around ( back) where/who I was
Eat and sleep on the raw ?
Good luck my fiend friend
When I was warehouse manager for a construction company I would break the ice with new hires by announcing a surprise drug test. When they said the paperwork didn't say anything about a drug test I told them it would be informal and performed here and now as as they sweated for a second I would say, Ok empty your pockets on the table and whatever drugs I find I get to test. Then they felt at ease with me barking orders at them all the time. I'm willing to extended that offer to all of you as well, I will be an impartial judge of your product and give you an honest review. ;-)