Cocerned about electricity use!

I want to set up a larger room with two 1000w hid's, 50 plants. I live in Alberta and we have digital hydro meters. Smart meters will have all the electricity usage patterns recorded if anyone got suspicious of excessive energy consumption.

I'm thinking best way to get around would be run one single 1000w ballast with two separate rooms. The ballast can run one light for twelve hours and then switch over to run the other light in the next room for the other twelve hours. This is the only idea I have to maintain a constant energy usage pattern.

Anyone else have any ideas or experience with digital smart meters?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about Canada, sorry, but in the US I don't think they would really blink at that usage.

I mean my desktop computer alone has a 1000w power supply. Hopefully someone can chime in about the smart meters.


Well-Known Member
i live same as you bro 2000w is nothing mang run 2 room 2000 a piece then no spike but shit lots of stuff runs 2000w or 1000w no big deal a small space heater is 1500w so you leave it on 12hrs a day no biggie


Well-Known Member
I think your idea sounds pretty smart - the swifting thing. Around here it's no problem. A big aquarium heater is 1000watt. Working lamp 1000 watt. water heater 1000 watt.
Just think too much stuff could cause a usage like that, but don't know - i'm not a local ;O))
Well 1000w 24/7 plus all the power to the extra's ends up being a bit for me. My current energy bills are 200 kilowatts/month. Just running this small setup all day will jump me to about 1300 kilowatts/month. 1300/month isn't too much for the average household but it's a big jump for my energy usage history. Last year having a couple roommates I got u to 650 kilowatts/month. No one said anything.

I might get some energy efficient appliances to cut back on my personal usage. The grow energy won't be as noticeable then.

Also I'm growing bc buds northern lights. 25 plants in each room under each 1000w light. Have a large closet for clone room as well.