.: Cockney Rhyming Slang :.

In snatch brad had a pikie accent also known as travellers and gypsies there a few more names for them but i dont want to offend anyone so il leave it at that!
In my part of the world, London to be precise. We use alot of slang, normally containing two or three words to mean one.

ex. apples & pairs = stairs or cherry hog = dog

do you know what these mean?
1. dog & bone
2. jam jar
3. bees & honey
4. ones & twos
5. t rex

do you know any slang? if so what's your favourite?
ay i heard that across da pond that they call a cigarette a fag is that true???
north =mouth (soz geordie laaaa)
battle cruiser =boozer
nuclear sub = pub
hank marvin = starvin
dog an bone = phone
yup brits turn me on love the accent aussies to aussie chicksr soposed to be easy but dont live up to their rep the brits r better. i loveem both
do ya like dags?

sherbert dab - taxi
grass, lollipop, bertie - snitch
nelson mandella - Stella Artois
do as you likey - pikey
don't chiken curry - don't worry
ain't got a scooby doo - don't have a clue
brown bread - dead
rosie lee - tea
chicken feed - weed
oats and barley - charlie (coke)
bumble bees, cecil gees - e's (ecstacy)
roof rack - crack