Your massively underfeeding. Increase your ec to 1.7 and get run off every day. It's a simple formula that works for every plant I have.... 9 new phenos... all stable and healthy.Sorry guys was at work and this thread exploded. Thanks for the feedback. I have a recently calibrated ph pen and I am watering at 5.8-6.0 and my ec I for the babies was 550 or .5 and for the big girls they are at same ph but ec is 900 or .9
The main reason I think this is not nute burn is the yellowing is not localized to the tips. The browing is around the entire edge of the leave I cut off some earlier or I would show it.
Last grow I watered 3 times a day. Regardless of the number of times I water I always water tell runoff to better stabilize ec. Just really scratching my head on this one.
People post that link coz it all works well.