Coco grow: Magnesium def, right?


Well-Known Member
`Yes? Well as I red, classical symptoms of Magnesium def (green veins, yellowing leaf, stunted growth, curling)...She is 3 weeks old from sprout and new growth yellowing. Coco with perlite, PH`d water 5,8-6,4 , hand watering every day until some run-off, Canna coco A+B 2ml per 1 Liter, 1 gallon pot. Also LST`d , tied down.
The other sister is exactly on same diet, is 4 weeks old and is twice as big, nice and green (in 3 gal pot), and getting ready for 12/12...

Also fed her Epsom salt 0,75ml per 1L of water, twice, doesn`t seem to help...


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Well-Known Member
Magnesium def signs - purple veins, leafs rolling to the left or right, or leaf tacoing. Magnesium issues usually arrive when you over water your plants, your roots need a dry time, so everyday watering is sort of excessive for coco/perlite blend. by the looks of your new growth, it looks like over watering is happening with the inter leaf spacing swelling up like it is.


Well-Known Member
Yes, thought about over watering myself. I guess plants are different, as her sister doesnt mind everyday water. She is on 2nd day dry period now. Would this be enough to help or should I foliar feed her too?


Well-Known Member
when i grow coco, I do a 3 day cycle and seems to work for me....3 day cycle is; day 1 feed with nutrient solution with calmag, day 2 is a watering with just calmag 300ppm, and day 3 nothing, then repeat the cycle